Educator Of The Year:Kristin Zerbe :John Dickinson High School | Teen Ink

Educator Of The Year:Kristin Zerbe :John Dickinson High School

March 22, 2019
By minecrafttime BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
minecrafttime BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

English has never been one my strongest subject. I usually find myself bored and uninterested

in the subject. Mrs.Zerbe really changed all that for me.

On the first day of school i felt very nervous going to her class because I heard that her class was hard and that she was very strict. But when I first walked in room M216 I immediately felt very welcomed and comfortable. She greeted every single one of her students and had bright warm smile throughout the period. You could tell that she was excited to spread out knowledge to her students.

Her teaching skills really helped me find the love for English. She makes all school work really easy to understand. I'm always learning something new in her class whether its about Walt Whitman or her love for Hello Kitty. Mrs.Zerbe is constantly making sure that everyone on the same page on not left behind. She is also patient with students that at times don't do much work and tries to give them many chances to try and get a better grade. I very much appreciate that because it's a sign that she cares about her students.

For awhile i've been stuck about what exactly I want to major in college and being in her class made me figure everything out. I now know I want to be a teacher. Her passion of teaching students was contagious to me. I see how she genuinely is happy to be having discussions with all her students. She always treats us as her own kids and she always tries to help as much as possible whether it be school work or personal issues. In a way I see her as a mom figure and I wish to do the same one day with someone else.  

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