A Brief Summary of The Life of Winston Churchill | Teen Ink

A Brief Summary of The Life of Winston Churchill

April 12, 2019
By ArjunChitre BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
ArjunChitre BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Among the other countless honors and dedications he received, special mention should be made of the honorary citizenship of the United States, which President Kennedy conferred on him in 1963”, states, NobelPrize, an organization that awards highly qualified/successful people for their achievements or great deeds (“The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953.”). Winston Churchill is an upstander who was mainly known for being a key figure in keeping the UK´s morale up, and continually inspiring/motivating the people by his famous speeches to keep fighting during the harsh times of World War Two (“Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.”). Winston Churchill changed the course of history as upstander by motivating the people of Great Britain to keep fighting against the wrath of the Nazis (“Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.”)

Born on November 30, 1874, Winston Churchill was the son of Jennie Jerome and Lord Randolph Churchill (“Past Prime Ministers.”; “The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953.”). In his childhood and teen years, he wasn’t a very good student in school, but he did have a sense of militarism, hence he joined the Royal Cavalry as a soldier and part-time journalist in 1895 (“Past Prime Ministers.”). Thereafter he would become a member of parliament in 1900 (“Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.”). Churchill then would, later on, become the First Lord of Admiralty, but would resign and join as a soldier in the Western Front after his failed Gallipoli Campaign (“Past Prime Ministers.”). After even more time passed, he would be defeated in the Tory Electoral in 1929 and would be out of office for 11 years (“Past Prime Ministers.”). During all of this, it should be noted that he was against the Indians gaining their independence from the British (“Past Prime Ministers.”).

Consequently, many of his actions are considered “controversial” to some people in these modern times (Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.”). Also for his entire lifetime, he had depression, which he would refer to as the ‘the black dog’ (“Past Prime Ministers.”).

The later part of Churchill’s life brought him much glory and fame. When Neville Chamberlain resigned in 1940 as the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill would be selected to be the Prime Minister and would serve from 1940 to 1945 (“Past Prime Ministers.”; “Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.”). He would then be re-elected in 1951, but during this time, he was unhealthy and just overall “unfit” to be the Prime Minister again (“Past Prime Ministers.”). As a result, due to him not being well, he would resign in 1955, and eventually would die on the 24th of January, 1965 (“Past Prime Ministers.”; “Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.”). He was honored with a state funeral (Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.”).

Accompanied by his important role in Great Britain during World War Two, he had a numerous amount of awards and honors, and also had a special interest in literature (“The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953.”). For example, he acquires the honor of being part of knighthood after Queen Elizabeth the Second bestows it upon him (“The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953.”). He also got the insignia of the Order of Garter from Queen Elizabeth the Second in 1953 (“The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953.”). When Churchill originally started writing, he started writing campaign reports such as The River War and The Story of the Malakand Field Force (“The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953.”). He later started to write novels, biographies, etc, such as Savrola, Lord Randolph Churchill, The World Crisis, Unrelenting Struggle, Victory, etc (“The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953.”). One of the greatest honors that he received was the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 (“The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953.”). Hence Winston Churchill had received many great honors and awards for his accomplishments throughout his lifetime.

Due to his motivating/inspiring speeches that he gave during World War Two, Britain was able to stand strong in front of the cruel Nazis (“Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.”). The BBC, more formally known as the British Broadcasting Center is a very trusted source that provides the Great Britain region and also the entire world with television programs, documentaries, etc, states that he was the “... most famous British Prime Minister”, and also is considered “... the greatest Briton of all time…” (“Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.”). This shows the immense impact he had on Great Britain, mainly during World War Two as the Prime Minister, and also just generally throughout his entire lifetime.


Works Cited

“Past Prime Ministers.” History of Sir Winston Churchill - GOV.

“The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953.” NobelPrize.

“Who Was Winston Churchill and Why Was He Important? - CBBC Newsround.” BBC News, BBC.

The author's comments:

A summary of some of the major events in the life of Winston Churchill, and some of the things he was known for or things he did that made him famous.

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