America the World of Guns | Teen Ink

America the World of Guns

April 22, 2019
By Anonymous

The average of 36,400 American citizens are killed by the hands of a shooter, along with about 100,200 injuries, per year. Guns have become one of the most threatening items and topics known to the human race. Not only is a gun seen as self defense, but as an opportunity to destroy the human community. With two opposing sides, and their point of view towards the usage of firearms and their purpose. Unfortunately gun control: the restriction of gun purchase and usage,  has slowly been taken care of by Congress, but not quick enough to stop several ongoing homicides and gun shootings. If guns were eliminated or banned the country could go into corruption, a reason why people have to be alert and careful with how they handle weapons. It all filters down to the homosapien and the way they’re raised, the original purpose of a gun was a tool, it’s just the way the person utilizes it. We the people, are the ones in charge of the future of this country, we shall take responsibility and set barriers as this chaotic gun fight causes threatening comotion while living in the “Home of the free and brave”.  

To begin with, gun death rates could potentially go down if several restrictions or laws are accepted and made.Several people would be satisfied if gun restriction where to be take into serious action. Unfortunately at the age of 18,  young teens can purchase a long gun. Aside from living in urban areas, people who live in rural areas can sometimes purchase a gun around the age of 14 and 16. Handguns can only be purchased at the age of 21. With the age restriction several school shooting may be prevented as well as other mass shootings. Guns should be marketing at a  high price value, due to uncomplicated access to the youth, and how menacing it is. As outrages as it may sound, someone can purchase a gun for the price of $200 for a handgun, which is approximately the price of a Chromebook, and a long gun for $1,500, equivalent to a Macbook. Firearms should atleast have the price of a couple thousand dollars so that not only wouldn’t teens be able to obtain one, but someone who’s actually serious about buying this firearm for a reasonable purpose, will hopefully be a honorable gun owner. The citizen must have a gun license or must have gone through some type of professional training. And the qualification to being responsible, the firearm won't be in reach of a child, infant, or sometimes even teens. The gun will most likely be under the name of the parental/adult who’s the current owner, the only person who will hopefully be firing the weapon if in risk. Owners sometimes don’t have correct management when storing weapon in a secure place. Gun owners should think about buying a safe box in which only the owner is aware of the passcode. Owners should never reveal where they store their weapons for the own safety. Several gun shootings occur with a parental gun, this children must have know how to locate a gun, or sometimes even buy a gun illegally and decided their further actions.  

Consequently, students don’t feel safe coming to school, worrying about someone starting a school shooting causes severe fear. After the several school shootings over these couple of years, schools have tried to ameliorate their security systems by either,  having only one entry and exit way, making kids bring clear backpacks, installing metal detectors, and equipping teachers with dangerous firearms. Nowadays in society, several teens suffer from with mental issues, such as depression, anxiety, stress, and several phobias. As children attend school everyday it causes them to get stressed, as the stress grows, the more aggravated someone becomes, no matter if they have mental issues or not. While more school shootings occur, the more schools focus on security, instead of the child’s state, health, stress etc. Schools should hire more therapist, or people who will actually pay attention to these kids and listen to their difficulties. Most school shooter unsubs have reportedly been knows as loners, or victims of being bullied. As stated, 22% of gun violence/ shooting unsubs suffer from mental health or psychological issue, while  the other 78% have average health conditions, according to (USNews). These are only some statistics and stated facts about how dangerous these weapons can be, reasons why Congress has to take quick actions.

Furthermore, since the beginning of this year, in January, a total of about 33 bills discuss about firearms, 21 being about having gun control, while the other eight are for firearm protection, and finally four on the authorizations for the gun violence research. But unfortunately, there’s a risk the these bills will ever be accepted or passed. With the percentage of anything presented to congress being passed, a low 8%. Woefully, the debate of guns is still strong and ongoing, as one side agrees with gun control and the other refuses, with the mind of gun control disrespecting and going against a “right” that we the people where given. Everyone starts taking sides and is slowly dividing Congress. House of Representatives, currently led by Democrats, and Senate by Republicans, which technically biase guns, not gun control. After the Vegas shooting: responsible of 59 deaths, they have successfully banned bump stocks(makes automatic rifles fire at high speeds) Going back to “the people's rights and gun control disrespecting”. The NRA(National Rifle association) completely disagree. With the acknowledgement of people feeling threatened by guns and wanting to restrict them makes them furious. Their point of view with this issue is that they are in risk of losing one of their rights, as “stated” in the U.S Constitution, “ the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (2nd Amendment, U.S Constitution). In reality there’s another definition within the rest of the statement, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state ”(2nd Amendment, U.S Constitution) The original right was addressing the nation’s militia and their right/ responsibility to be equipped with firearms for the sake of the country’s protection/security. Meanwhile, while gun shootings continue to increase, people proceed being blinded by how guns are “dangerous” when in reality it’s us the people who cause tragedy. Gun stores, people, citizens, parents, Congress, everyone needs to start taking gun restriction more seriously and start teaching and talking about responsible gun ownership to those in need, including the future generation, so they know the difference of violating and following their rights. Gun control is our goal, gun restriction without being malicious.                                                      

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