Leave Spot at Home | Teen Ink

Leave Spot at Home

May 9, 2019
By emoryfriend BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
emoryfriend BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Based on an analysis of over one thousand college's pet policies only a small four percent of the schools allow pets. Different schools have different reasons for not allowing pets on the campus, however, many of these reasons revolve around maintaining a professional and safe environment. Pets should not be allowed at school because they create an unnecessary burden on others in the school community. Animals cause distraction to students and teachers leading to a chaotic atmosphere in the classroom. Critics may say that students should have an animal to help them feel comfortable at school, however, school is a place for students to learn socialization skills as well as academic skills. Pets should not be permitted at school because of inconvenience and maintaining the dignity of the classroom.

Pets should not be allowed at school because of the inconvenience of others. Having pets in school would make the campus dirty. Having the campus dirty would make the school's atmosphere less professional causing there to be a lack of appeal for a potential new student. Allowing pets would mean that the maintenance staff will have to take on the responsibility of cleaning up after the animals. Furthermore, many students have allergies to animals. If pets were permitted inside of school students could suffer from allergic reactions. With the increased amount of allergic reactions, the school nurses would need to be ready to help the students at all times, which in turn would cost the school more money. Animals should not be permitted into school because the pets put a strain on the other students, teachers and support staff.

Pets should not be allowed in the classroom so that the dignity of the classroom can be kept. The mix of the pets in the same classroom may not get along well together. The pets could become aggressive towards each other possibly causing a pet to be injured. The animals may get each other sick if one is not properly vaccinated. In addition, the animals would be distracting to the students in the classroom. The pets may be loud, so the noise would draw the students' attention from the teacher to the pet. The students' may also have a yearning to pet the animal during class this urge would cause students to pay more attention to the pet then to the teacher. Animals should not be permitted into school to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to learning.

Some feel as though students will feel more comfortable when they have their pet. Critics say that students need a pet to help them feel welcome or to help them fit in. A student might feel less intimidated to talk or engage in class if they have a pet because they feel like they have someone there with them. However, this point is invalid because a student should learn how to fit in without the help of an outside object. School is created not only to teach academics but also to teach how to socialize. Some may think that having an animal at school will help them fit in, but students need to learn how to socialize on their own.

Pets should not be acceptable at school because they cause difficulty to members of the school community, and they disrupt the proper classroom setting. Pets being allowed at schools brings an extra responsibility to the staff who need to pick up after the pets' messes. Animals would disrupt the professional classroom setting by adding unnecessary distractions. Pets are said to be used as support for a student but students should not rely on their pets for emotional support. If pets did not cause such big problems in schools the percentage of schools who allowed pets would be much greater.

The author's comments:

This essay was meant to spread the idea of why pets should not be allowed in schools

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