Graduation | Teen Ink


May 14, 2019
By pratherford19 BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
pratherford19 BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Before I being my speech, I want every single one of you to look at yourself, not physically but emotionally. Look at how much you’ve changed over the past years, not just back to your freshman year, but middle and elementary school as well. Throwback to when the only thing you had to worry about was if you would be home in time to play outside. Now look at yourself in the past four years, starting high school as a fragile pubescent tween.  Struggling the battle between puberty, getting your first job, school, sports, and the most frequent one, boy problems… Now, look at yourself in the present, observe how much you have matured, how your personality may have changed, and it doesn’t have to be anything along the aspect of your physical characteristics, it can be athletic records, or academic reward. Here we are… In two weeks we will be out of this aesthetic facility we know as Holt. Since 1896, Holt has been educating young minds, that is approximately, 123 years. All my senior year I ask myself, what comes next? Do I go to college? Do I try to go pro? Do I join the military? Do I want to do construction? Would I rather work fast food or be a janitor? All of these are questions I ask myself periodically through the year. The great thing about graduating, is not having to care what other people think about your career. People would ask me where I work and i'd tell them I work at Panda Express and then they would brag about them working at private company or a car dealership when in reality, I’m still making more than them. It doesn’t matter what job you have, because as long as you do it right, the more successful you will get, and that is all that should matter in your life after high school.

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