I Believe in Blue and Gold | Teen Ink

I Believe in Blue and Gold

May 15, 2019
By hnbrewer BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
hnbrewer BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Agriculturalists run the world. There is more to agriculture than just farming. We clean water, grow or raise food, build buildings, and even help in the production of gasoline. When I tell people that I am in the FFA, the majority of the time I am met with confused looks and the question, “What’s FFA?” So I tell them. FFA or Future Farmers of America, officially known as The National FFA Organization, is a youth organization throughout the United States that changes lives and prepares members for personal growth, leadership, and career success through agriculture education.

I have been in the FFA for three years, and my family has been involved in agriculture and the FFA for as long as we can remember. We were all involved in many different areas of the FFA, for example I raise chickens while my cousin raises cattle. My grandma was the first girl in her chapter and used her time in FFA to build a field for her father’s 160 acre farm in Iowa which he just recently sold; my maternal grand-aunt and her husband own a tractor dealership in Searcy, Arkansas called Henard Utility Products.

Not many people know the name E. M. Tiffany, but ask any agriculture student and they can tell you, he wrote the FFA Creed. The creed is a five paragraph statement and was one of the first things I learned my freshman year. One specific part of the creed has always stood out to me, the fifth paragraph quotes, “I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task” (Tiffany).

The agriculture classroom is where I learn my future, career, and where I developed a small family with whom I can be completely myself.I have a teacher who is not only a teacher, but a mentor, friend, and role model. Every day our belief and knowledge in agriculture grows and we’re proud to say we’re part of the FFA. I hope to be able to always advocate for this program and help others better understand that agriculture is more than just farmers, agriculture is a wide variety of people including students, teachers, scientists, healthcare providers, and many more.

The author's comments:

I am a junior in highschool that is involved in many different activities! Including the Marching Band's Colorguard, Strolling Strings, United Sound, and FFA :-)

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