Short Summer Story | Teen Ink

Short Summer Story

July 8, 2019
By Jasch BRONZE, Augsburg, Other
Jasch BRONZE, Augsburg, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ray Bradbury chooses to use repetition and word choice to show the reader that children are cruel to other children because they are different. The children in the short story All Summer in a Day are cruel to Margot because she is different. Margot was born on earth and arrived on the planet Venus five years ago, while the children in her class were born on Venus. That makes her stand apart from the others and therefore, she gets bullied.

  It is noted in the story that Margot stands apart from the other children when the author uses word choice to enhance the writing.  “They hated her pale snow face, her waiting silence, her thinness, and her possible future.” and “The biggest crime of all was that she had come here only five years ago from Earth, and remembered the sun.” This shows that the author uses word choice to show her difference and how she stands apart from the other children. Because she stands apart from the other children, the children want to see Margot fail. This relates to the theme that children are cruel to each other because they are different. The evidence shows that Margot is different from the others because she has a pale snow face and a possible future. The children notice that, and because of this, they are cruel to her.

It is represented in the story that Margot is different from the other children when the author uses repetition. This is shown in the text when the children say “It’s stopping, it’s stopping!”. This shows that Margot is different from the other children because they were all excited about the fact that the rain is stopping, while Margot stood silent in the corner of the classroom.

The repetition relates to the theme that children are cruel to each other because it shows that the children are very excited that they will be able to see the sun. The children later locked Margot in a closet so that she cannot see the sun.

The author uses repetition and word choice to show the reader that Margot stands apart from the others because she is different. Children are cruel to people who are different and want to see them fail. The children in the story strongly dislike Margot because she was born on earth while the other children were born on Venus. 

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