North Korean Citizens Struggles | Teen Ink

North Korean Citizens Struggles

February 4, 2020
By anaviramontes BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
anaviramontes BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are millions of migrants and refugees in the world without a home. North Korea struggles greatly with people wanting to leave. They don’t live in great conditions so they try to leave their country to look for safety, shelter, health or things they couldn’t receive were they were living. There are great struggles and laws in North Korea that may sound crazy. So why are citizens in North Korea trying to flee their country?

North Korean people are suffering from living in poverty. Cnn quotes that 'If you don't have money or power, you die in a ditch' Kim jong-un is the leader of North Korea but prohibits them, citizens, from doing many things. For example choose their religion, marriage, women's rights, forced labor, civil-political liberties, and expression, Kim Jung un doesn't even allow radio, television unless they are provided by their government, many other terrible things. This means that people in North Korea are basically being controlled by their government. All the terrible laws, Kim Jung un has in his country citizens live in poverty and fear that’s why so many try to leave. In addition, This is so important because it’s not possible that Kim Jung un doesn’t do anything about it. The laws he has in his country don’t help citizens they just make them worse. He’s well aware his citizens are suffering and the only thing he does fire missiles and is not allowing anyone to leave North Korea.

People in North Korea don’t even have privacy. “The state controls everything, and actively spies on its citizens using a vast surveillance and informer network.” This is a quote that I got from BBC news and this means that even after everything citizens go through they are being spied on.  If citizens don’t follow rules their are public executions so they have fear and control. Refugees don’t deserve that life only because they live where they were born they are suffering through so much. Why do they deserve to suffer and we don’t it’s not like they chose to be refugees or they want to, they are simply born into it. There are people who are born into a great life and others who don’t that just something that you can’t decide.

People in North Korea are starving to death More than ten million people or roughly 40 percent of the country, suffers from “severe food insecurity,” meaning they don’t have enough food to eat until the next harvest.” This means a big percent of the people in North Korea are really suffering. This is a problem because according to The Washing Post North Korea could feed their country if they chose to. But instead, they decide to work on their Nuclear weapon projects and things that are harming the country. This is so important because millions in North Korea are starving. And because people are starving to death suffering trying to help their families but because Kim Jung Un and the laws he added in North Korea are ruining his country affects citizens who struggle economically and the worst is he doesn’t even care since he’s not affected by it. 

This helps others become more open-minded and empathic since their people suffering and trying to leave their own country. There are people living in North Korea who have to experience public executions terrible. Empathy fits all of this because every time I think about this problem I just can't stop thinking about how they must be feeling I can’t imagine how I would feel if I were going through that. So that’s why this issue matters so much theirs many people in the world who haven’t even considered this who are not even aware of the problem. And in my opinion, everybody should be aware since it’s a tragedy that people in the world are going through. 

Lee, Hyeonseo. “My Escape from North Korea.” TED, Feb. 2013, 

Tanaka, Hiroyuki Tanaka Hiroyuki. “North Korea: Understanding Migration to and from a Closed Country.”, 19 July 2019,

“The People's Challenges.” Liberty in North Korea,

“North Korea's Human Rights: What's Not Being Talked About.” BBC News, BBC, 18 Feb. 2019,

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