Coed Schools Vs. Single-Sex Schools | Teen Ink

Coed Schools Vs. Single-Sex Schools

December 6, 2021
By Anonymous

    Most common schools are public and private, it is all counted as school. There are many different types of schools. From public, to private, to homeschool, to coed schools, and last but not least, the single-sex schools. These are just a few types, but those are the ones that are generally known to most people. But now lets talk about how students should go to coed schools for better living and experiences. Many have different types of understanding of schooling. Like, why would one school be better and or preferred more than the other schools? Some may say that students should go to a single-sex school, but some may say that students should go to a coed school.


According to the American Psychological Association: for some people, single-sex schools may be better, but really, it is not a huge difference. They say that "While simply separating boys and girls doesn’t guarantee success, schools that use best practices for gender-specific teaching may be more successful at teaching to boys' and girls' strengths, says NASSPE Executive Director Leonard Sax, MD, Ph.D., a psychologist, and family physician." Even though teaching may be more successful it does not guarantee success. For some people, they learn better due to their independence or personality. But sometimes, having that type of education that is very focusing, may stress one out. Even though single-sex schools focus more on education and extracurriculars, it does not mean that it is the best choice nor the only choice to send a child to that school. There are plenty of schools out there and if a parent is afraid of their child getting in trouble for the decisions they make, homeschooling would be an amazing option too.

As great as some still may think that single-sex schools are better. Generally, that is a little sad.Normally, parents would send their children to those kinds of schools for relationship purposes. Some may or may not get to talk to humans of your opposite sex, exept for their parents and siblings. So when you graduate or even as they start to grow up, they do not have any connections with the opposite gender. It may cause some to not even be able to have a normal conversation with someone of their opposite gender. How are they supposed to develop their social skills and interaction with others if they are pretty much in a "jail?"  It takes time and development to earn social skills with anyone and especially someone that is the opposite sex. Some may even be shy; they will not be able to say hello, and if they can they might struggle to have a normal conversation. Students and kids should go to public or coed schools due to that interaction, so when they grow up, they know and have experienced many different personalities, therefore they would know how to handle and have self-control over themselves in most situations. They would most likely grow in their experience throughout life just like everyone else. They would eventually figure out how to act and interact with most people. There are always some people that mostly no one would know what to say because of how they may react or get offended. And due to the reactions, it would be difficult for those who come from single-sex schools than someone who has most likely dwelt with people like that in school. If they do not know how to communicate, that might have a greater impact, which can cause them to be in an even worse situation. This article has said that (Novotney, Amy) "Many boys and girls do fine with coed schools, but some do better in same-sex schools," Baumeister says. "Society can benefit from choice and diversity, so let's offer options." 

Some may say it is a good idea to send their children to a single-sex school. But some may say that it is an awful idea to send your child to a single-gendered school. From a parent's perspective, they may think that if they send their child to a single-sex school, then there would be less or no drama between a girl and a guy. Not only that but, just like it has been mentioned earlier, that the student does not get any interaction with practically anyone. And if they are consistently always by the same gender and have very little interaction with the other, would there be a possibility that girls would like other girls and guys like other guys? And from a Christian perspective, same-sex marriage and relationships are wrong. Some parents would also be against it. Understandably, the students know that the opposite gender of them exists, but still, everyone has a different social level of skill. Some may want to have many interactions with the opposite gender so they become such baddies, which then can escalate quickly.

As you have hopefully read the whole essay, there may be some pros of why children should be sent to a single-sex school, but there are the cons to those pros. Even though there may be so many consequences and or cons too, that is the exact reason why student should not be sent to a single-sex school. It should be a long, thoughtful process of what way would be the best to go and not what is best for the parent but for the family and their own selves altogether.


Works Cited

Novotney, Amy. “Coed versus Single-Sex Ed.” Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association, Feb. 2011, 

Danish, E. (n.d.). Pros and Cons of Single Sex schools. Same Gender Classrooms Articles.Pdf. Retrieved November 21, 2021, from

Liz, director. Single Sex Schools Vs Mixed Schools. Youtube, 31 Jan. 2015, Accessed 5 Dec. 2021. 

The author's comments:

I am writing this paper for a school assignment.

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