Summer Days | Teen Ink

Summer Days

June 3, 2022
By Anonymous

The hot, breezy, humid, mid June days. Just got out of school for the year. No homework, no waking up early for school, and no late dry winter nights. Summer starts (June 9th‒September 1st) . I am as excited as I possibly can be. No more alarms in the morning and my mom's voice saying “ Dylan! You need to get up for school! It's 7:00 A.M and school starts in 30 minutes.”

I have a strong passion for freedom and that's what summer is to me. I finally have time to do things I usually don't. Working, hanging out with friends, hanging out with my girlfriend are all great things that I'll have even more time to do. Sure enough, right away I can feel the sweat and warmth dripping off of my body from being outside after cutting the grass. I quickly jump into the cool chlorine smell pool getting refreshed. While I'm at it, I get a very nice suntan in. I wonder to myself: Does life get any better than this? My mom and I love to talk about our days in the pool and our plans. 

For some reason, the taste of rich, sugary soda gulping down my throat hits way better in the summer. I love the feeling of getting all of my chores and things done during the day, so I can party it up with my friends late at night. Oh and did I also mention, fishing makes up a huge amount of time in my summer days. I love catching bass and hooking big fish with my buddies. Sometimes my girlfriend and I find it quick and relaxing to also take my little jon boat out fishing and watch the sunset. The more memories we make together, the more happy we get.

Evenings are so relaxing in the summer. There's a little pond behind our house and as soon as the sun starts to go down, we can immediately hear the frogs start making their loud noises. RIBBET!RIBBET! It's relaxing to hear for a bit but after a while, it gets quite annoying. Going out for a late night drive hearing the wind go fast as the windows are down in my friend's jeep brings joy and happiness to my mind. The tasteful, tropical, talented music blasting as loud as the radio goes for the whole neighborhood to hear. 

My friends, girlfriend, and family all spend time with me on different nights of the summer. I am always doing something and never get bored. I never really play video games during the day or in general and if I do, it's late at night. I find them more of a waste of time than beneficial. Sometimes my buddies and I will stay up really late grinding a certain game but that doesn't happen often. I usually work in the mornings or at least try to so that I can have the afternoons and evenings to do whatever I please. I love the feeling of going to bed, knowing that another exciting day is coming. Air conditioning fills my bed sheets and room as I rest and relax. I text my girlfriend, and my mom goodnight and tell them that I love them. Not having a worry in the world about school, making my life less stressful. Life is good.

The author's comments:

I enjoy writing about summer because it is my favorite time of year.

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