What the American Flag Means to Me | Teen Ink

What the American Flag Means to Me

November 4, 2022
By kathryn-ortmeier SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
kathryn-ortmeier SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To me, when I think of what the American flag represents, my thoughts guide me to answers like freedom, justice, liberty. These are many aspects to the American flag, but in different perspectives, what it represents could very well be the opposite. In my perspective the flag is simply one thing.  

To others, the flag can represent fighting, helping, supporting, our strong suits. Young men, embroidered in stars in stripes, leaving their families. The flag, deployed across Europe. If there is one thing this flag is best at, it’s traveling. Being carried through battles, science expeditions, even to the moon. Our flag is everywhere. 

To others, the flag may be looked at with betrayal. Families struggling under social inequalities. Those who came seeking a better life, finding these red white and blue streets littered with prejudice. Where the quality of living for an average citizen is lesser than what we pridefully project. A poor nation with a lot of money boasting its economic growth, sweeping the consequences under the carpet. 

To others, the flag glimmers with diversity. No distinct culture like the other countries. A melting pot of people. Beliefs integrate like no other place in the world. Although not yet equal, the steps we’ve made as a country are credible. 

To me the flag is none of these things. To me the flag is a reminder, one that has been clouded with human decisions. To me the flag represents new beginnings. Sometimes I feel as if we forget what is, and focus on what it has done. The flag isn’t fighting, inequality, or diversity. Our flag hangs idly, with the sole purpose of inspiring us to be better. 

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