COVID-19 and its positive impact on STEM’s Diversity and Growth Among Youth | Teen Ink

COVID-19 and its positive impact on STEM’s Diversity and Growth Among Youth

January 17, 2024
By Anonymous

During my end of elementary school to middle school years, I have participated in countless STEM related activities, including competitions. In those, a trend has appeared; diversity in the field has increased tremendously from the fresh start given through the quarantine. In my time in elementary school, interest in STEM programs was miniscule, barely enough to operate. However, during my entrance to middle school, I saw a monumental increase in the topic. 

One of the major experiences that I was a part of growing in tech is a competition called FIRST Lego League(FLL), which started over 25 years ago. I participated in it for three years, once in 2019, again in 2022, and a final time in 2023.  In those years, I have seen a great increase in activity. In the beginning, the presence of parental pressure in such programs was easily shown, and even then, the availability of information was minimal. Any problems or ideas     could not be found online, and student interest and excitement could barely be seen. 

Then, 2020’s monumental news headline, the COVID-19 pandemic, which shut down most physical workplaces and saw growth in the use of technology and wireless communication. Though with the deadly impact of the virus and a new reliance on technology, a rebirth of STEM is shining through the darkness. Even though most of STEM’s activities and competitions were shut down, causing a complete break in the industry, it not only fully recovered, but is now growing bigger and bigger with support from programs like FLL. 

Because STEM can be taught online, it benefited from the growth of smart devices from COVID. Now more and more youth are voluntarily stepping towards the subject. 

Last year when I participated my last time in FLL, I saw a lot more teams, and new teams have equal ground with veteran teams due to the popularity and resources offered online. Even in my own community, more and more people are interested in activities relating to STEM, with more emerging classes gaining full attendance and with passionate people. 

With industries emerging and new opportunities everywhere in STEM, young scientists, engineers, and mathematicians among others will be able to start their journey earlier as well as with others. What will emerge when they grow up?

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