Should Artificial Intelligence be regulated? | Teen Ink

Should Artificial Intelligence be regulated?

March 11, 2024
By Anonymous

Everywhere you turn, you increasingly hear news about Artificial Intelligence, regardless of how you feel about it, is increasingly bringing itself into the fabric of our lives. Like it or not Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more a part of our lives from not just high school and college students from cheating on homework assignments to possibly taking your job. It’s important to stay up to date on the development of artificial intelligence to see what rules will be in place to access your personal data.

Firstly, artificial intelligence space has been bursting with so much innovation in recent years at a very fast pace. According to Brookings, AI systems are becoming increasingly powerful and having a much larger impact than the government can react. This raises the question as to whether the government is even capable of regulating AI effectively.(Brookings 2023). The government has been trying their best to counteract artificial intelligence having too much control over essential aspects of life like driving cars and replacing our jobs before fully testing because it has the power to crash our economy and even control weapons. Robotics, AI researchers and activists in an open letter presented to an international conference on AI wanted to call for a ban on new weapons that AI could operate without “ beyond meaningful human control.”(Issues in Science and Technology 2017).  And this was all the way back in 2015 before anything like OpenAI and Chatgpt was even a thing the government has been struggling with trying to keep AI tied down. The government wants to do a better job with how artificial intelligence will be maintained and regulated. Unlike how in the beginning with how social media blew up they weren’t on top of it. According to relatively new information,Attorney and legal scholar Matthew Scherer calls for an Artificial Intelligence Development Act and the creation of a government agency to certify AI programs' safety. The White House organized four workshops on AI in 2016. One of the main topics: does AI need to be regulated(Issues in Science and Technology 2017)? This shows how big artificial intelligence was even back then nowhere the level that it is today with it being more accessible to the public. 

Secondly, this isn’t just affecting our school and work lives. This is also affecting our economy by affecting whole job markets and not just jobs but alot of jobs out of the tech district. Job destruction is a major consideration on if AI should be regulated with its ability to be able to replace so many jobs. Development of technology has taken away jobs and also added some as well but with AI it will just continue with just taking away jobs and will not add any (Issues in Science and Technology 2017). This is a very thing that the government needs to decide on how automated they want AI. To see how far they will go to regulate artificial intelligence and affect our economy. Lot of scholars and professors believe that the government needs to make their stance on this topic and intervene in AI sooner than later and set boundaries. Prof. Marcus has the most concern about AI and that companies should not be up to self regulate themselves in this space. (Brookings 2023). This particular professor believes that this field should not be the ones to self regulate. Because artificial intelligence is only just starting and the possibilities are endless, this is a game changer that needs to be contained before it festers and becomes something without a proper system that will cause major problems for everyone.

Thankfully, With how dangerous it could be having non-humans but computers having a chance to make life threatening decisions for us. Altman (CEO OpenAI) is proposing that the government for the big AI systems should have a licensing system to control the certain extent that these companies can go to and set boundaries and this privilege can be revoked (Techlife News 2023). I feel this is the best decision that can be made to help regulate AI in the best way possible for right now but as it progresses it will soon surpass this type of regulatory procedure. AI is getting more blistering and abrupt and it's unknown if the U.S can even catch up with this. But it's crucial for them to make progress so they can be able to lead in international cooperation in AI governance.(Brookings 2023). Since of how much AI is growing it will lead to licensing becoming obsolete. And then we will have to be adept and keep on expanding and restricting it .For example a scholar had a different point on it, AI is so broad and that it will be so big that it would be impossible to keep regulations since there are such a great number of ways that it could cross the line with legal and ethical challenges that would be absurd to try and control (Eyes on AI 2017). This can be the scary truth to artificial intelligence, how it can be used for so much good. But the caveat is the fact that it's a double edged sword that can have as much of a negative effect as a positive one. 

Artificial intelligence can be used in a positive way with being a great tool for people to use. And that where it should end should not be used any further for negative use where it controls humanistic tasks that should not be passed to AI. AI is a very tricky tool that can become too powerful and take over more than we know and want. Bottom line, it's important that we take control before it becomes too much for us to handle. 






Etzioni, A., & Etzioni, O. (2017). Should artificial intelligence be regulated? Issues in Science and Technology, 33(4), 32+.

Wallach, W. (2017). Eyes on AI. Issues in Science and Technology, 34(1), 16.

Wheeler, T. (2023, May 22). The US government should regulate AI if it wants to lead on international AI governance | Brookings. Brookings Institution. Retrieved March 9, 2024, from

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