The Revolutionary War: Behind the Scenes | Teen Ink

The Revolutionary War: Behind the Scenes

December 16, 2012
By Anonymous

Pilgrims sought refuge from political and religious persecution in 17th century Europe. Scores of immigrants flooded to the Eastern coast of America and settled new villages, towns and communities. The New England colonies were growing at an alarming rate. As civilization progressed, patriots began dreaming about creating their own nation and becoming completely set apart and different from all others, especially their mother-country, England. Ideas of revolution, liberty, equality started infiltrating throughout the colonists’ minds. This was a new world, one that held promise, freedom and an incredibly different lifestyle. Could a clean break from England, the mother country really be done? Did they even want to separate from the motherland? Would there be war, or could an agreement be found? These questions rushed through America like a wildfire at an alarming rate. Whether they knew it or not, war was brewing… This is the beginning of the colonies’ independence and freedom from the overwhelming oppression of King George.

As America grew restless and difficult to control, King George tried to dominate the colonists and stomp out any spark of revolution. He made a proclamation saying that all the land to the east of the Appalachian Mountains belonged to England; everything to the west of it was to be left for the Indians. No one obeyed the order, so he sent overwhelming amounts of soldiers into the Colonies to squash the people’s spirits and wield his authority. The people were forced to quarter, care for and feed the soldiers. King George also had a massive amount of debt to pay off, so he decided to heavily tax the people of America. He placed taxes on tea, stamps and anything else that was made in England. None of this unnecessary oppression was well recieved by the colonists; rebellion was in the air.

The Boston Massacre occurred when the colonists were forced to quarter the pompous, proud English soldiers. The Massacre was nothing to be proud of for the colonists or the Redcoats. Neither side were heroes, both handled the situation recklessly, resulting in needless death and drama. The press took full advantage of the tragedy and broadcasted the evil of England throughout America; it created quite a stir. Congress retaliated and formed plans of war, gathered weapons and created a militia called the minute men. When the English unearthed the weapons that were being gathered, ships full of soldiers were sent to Boston to confiscate them. Paul Revere rode through the colonies warning the people and summoned the minute men, who were able to hide all of the weapons before the British seized them. This infuriated the British and resulted in a standoff at the Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts. It was the shot heard ‘round the world that ultimately started the Revolutionary War. No one knows which side was the first to fire that fateful, world-changing shot.

Representatives from all over the colonies came to Boston. George Washington was chosen to be the general. He made tireless efforts to create an army out of a group of ragtag men. At the same time, a peace petition was sent to England to see for the last time if a compromise could be found, only to be snubbed. The King didn’t even bother to look at it. The Declaration of Independence was formally adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. Thomas Jefferson wrote it and all the members of congress signed it. It was also sent to England. The tide was turning dramatically for both the colonists and the King of England.

The colonies were in an uproar. England was steadily getting itself into more and more trouble with the colonists. It was only a matter of time before war was unleashed. The Revolutionary War and the beginning of America is an inspirational story of the United States. What you have just read is the behind the scenes of America’s thrilling liberation from England.

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