Dont Huff Dont Puff Stay Away From That Stuff! | Teen Ink

Dont Huff Dont Puff Stay Away From That Stuff!

January 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Have you noticed that marijuana is used on a daily basis? It destroys people’s brain cells and makes them weak to what they do. My question is why is marijuana illegal? It was made on earth and people should do whatever they want with it. (Not in an extreme bad way) Marijuana is illegal because moderate drug use for marijuana was normal, marijuana kills brain cells and bosses have a drug test every month.

Marijuana is illegal because moderate drug use was normal. “Drug laws were not written dispassionately by a panel of the best medical and ethical minds in the world” as said by Chris Berg in the article “The decriminalisation of drugs”. Moderate drug use was normal back in 1804. People used it whenever they wanted to. It caused horrible pollution to everyone but then again it didn’t bother anyone. No one cared how bad it smelled inside and outside! Babies would get used to the smell so when they grow up they do drugs. I know this because I found in the article on the website called “” This is scary, thank God that this has changed so we won’t be interested to moderate drug usage.

Marijuana kills brain cells because of all the toxic going into it. Once your brain cells are dead you are slower to your actions. You become less smart in whatever you learned in your life. Also, you have short term memory loss as said in the article “Mon Pays” at Drugs are bad to your body also because you become weaker and your skin becomes pale. This is why marijuana is very bad for you.

Bosses have a drug test every month. Many employers require job applicants to take a drug test particularly those applicants who reach the final stages of the selection process. Most private employers though are not required to test for alcohol or drug use. Courts and legislators have recognized that drug testing implicates privacy rights. These tests don’t just reveal current drug use that is, intoxication when the test is taken. They also show past drug use, including use of legal drugs and use of drugs on the employee’s own time. This was all said on

Think before you act! Marijuana is very dangerous for your health. Marijuana should be illegal because moderate drug use for marijuana was normal, marijuana kills brain cells and bosses have a drug test every month. There are many causes of using marijuana so that’s why it should be illegal. This is my reason why marijuana should be illegal for everyone.

The author's comments:
I dont like drugs at all. Why is it even on earth? Why do people like it? My teacher inspired me to write this article and i thank him.

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