Save the Rainforest | Teen Ink

Save the Rainforest

February 4, 2013
By Sweeney02 BRONZE, Erie, Pennsylvania
Sweeney02 BRONZE, Erie, Pennsylvania
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

How long does the planet have before there are no more rainforests? People need to learn more about the rainforests locations so they can prevent illegal logging. People need to learn more about the rainforests because more and more is disappearing each day. People need to know more about the world’s rainforests because the tribes are losing their homes. People need to learn about the rainforests and their locations, decreasing size, and the effect on tribes.

People need to learn about the rainforests and their locations. Some people don’t think they need to know about rainforests locations because they think, even though they know where they are, it won’t stop anything from happening to them. People need to know all about rainforests. Rainforests are very warm, wet and dense, and are home to millions of plants and animals (Brown). The earth’s rainforests produce most of the earth’s oxygen (Brown). There are tropical rainforests and temperate rainforests. Tropical rainforests are located in a belt along the equator (Brown). Some tropical rainforests are located across South America, Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia (Brown). Temperate rainforests are along the Pacific coast of the USA and Canada, in New Zealand, Tasmania, Chile, Ireland, Scotland and Norway (Brown). If people know where the rainforests are located, they can help prevent illegal logging, but they should also know about the rainforests decreasing size.

People need to learn about the rainforests and their decreasing size. People don’t think they need to know about the decreasing size of the rainforests because they think it won’t affect them. If there’s no rainforests there won’t be any oxygen. At one time 15% of the world’s surface was rainforests, but after 40 years 11% of the rainforests have disappeared (Brown). In 2004 the Amazon basin lost roughly 10,000 square miles of the rain forest (Brown). That’s about the size of Massachusetts! A big problem with trying to protect the rainforests is people can’t protect them! The world’s rainforests are too large to possibly know what’s going on at all times (Brown). Rainforests are important to the ecosystem because they recycle and clean water, and remove carbon dioxide and store it in their roots, stems, and branches (Brown). The decreasing rainforest also has an effect on the tribe that live in them.

People need to learn about the rainforests and the effect on tribes. Some people don’t think they need to know about the tribes because the tribe’s survival doesn’t affect them. The tribes are people to and they deserve to live. Tribes, such as the Yanomami, are dying because of diseases such as malaria, influenza, and whooping cough (Brown). Over the years tribes have lost over 15,000 square miles of their home land (Brown). Because of the vast land decrease the animals are dying and so are the plants. Because of the plants and animals dying, the tribes are forced to eat monkeys and ants (Brown). To be full from eating monkeys, tribe members have to eat at least 30 monkeys (Brown). This is making the monkey population decrease. The fresh water is also being tainted from pollution. In a lake where the tribes could once find an abundant amount of fish, they are now lucky if they can catch one or two. By taking away tribes homes the tribes are dying, but some people don’t know about this or care.

People need to learn more about the world’s rainforests and their locations, their decreasing size, and the effects on tribes. If people don’t start worrying about the rainforests the ozone layer won’t exist and everyone will have to move to a new planet to live. If people don’t protect the tribes the tribes will come and destroy all our land. If people don’t protect the rainforests in the near future there won’t be any rainforests left! The rainforests being cut down is as bad for the environment as swimming in acid is for your body.

Works Cited
Brown, Bryan, and Suzanne Freeman. "Saving the Amazon." Junior Scholastic. 23 Apr 2012:
10+. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 18 Sep 2012

Brown, Bryan. "South America's Vanishing Rain Forest." Junior Scholastic (Vol. 108, No. 16).
10 Apr 2006: 8+. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 19 Sep 2012.

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