Tornadoes | Teen Ink


March 21, 2013
By EmilyHF BRONZE, Spirit Lake, Iowa
EmilyHF BRONZE, Spirit Lake, Iowa
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Don't have one.

Tornadoes are scary and horrible to see to anyones eyes. They will destroy everything in the sight. Ecosystems are ruined during a tornado even after due to fires and debris. Tornadoes are “rotating columns of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud. They are often referred to as twisters.” ("Tornado.") Some tornadoes have funnels; Others may not have funnels. “The funnel is the thin tube reaching from the cloud to the ground. The lower part of the tornado is surrounded by a translucent dust cloud, kicked up by the tornado's strong winds at the surface. The wind of the tornado has a much wider radius than the funnel itself.” ("Tornado.") Tornadoes are more deadly and destructive the bigger they are.

There are different sizes of tornadoes and different wind speeds. There is a F0 through F5. The F5 sounds and is the deadliest of all tornadoes. An F0 is sometimes referred to as a Gale Tornado, and they have wind speeds to 40 to 72 MPH. An F1 is called a Moderate Tornado. An F1 has wind speeds up to 73 to 112 MPH. The next one is a F2 called Significant Tornado. It does significant damage to the ecosystems. The winds speeds are from 113 to 157 MPH. An F3 is called a Severe Tornado. They have wind speeds of 158 to 206 MPH. An F4 has winds of 207 to 260 and is called a Devastating Tornado. Last but not least an F5. An F5 has winds up to 261 to 318. It is called The Incredible Tornado.

Each Tornado can do a significant amount of damage. An F0 will “damage chimneys; breaks branches off trees; push over shallow-rooted trees; and damage signboards.” ("The Fujita Scale of Tornado Intensity.") An F1 will “peel surfaces off roofs; mobile homes will be pushed off foundations or are overturned; cars are pushed off the roads; and attached garages may be destroyed” ("The Fujita Scale of Tornado Intensity.") An F2 will cause a considerable amount of damage. Roofs can and will be torn off the frames of houses; mobile homes will be demolished; and large trees will snap or be uprooted. A F3 can have roofs and walls torn off houses; trains can be pushed over on their sides; many trees will also be uprooted. An F4 bigger than a F3, F2 and so on will blow homes or businesses with weak foundations far away. Cars can be thrown around; and large missiles can be generated. An F5, biggest of all tornadoes will obviously do the most damage. “Strong frame houses will be lifted off foundations and carried considerable distances; car sized missiles fly through the air; trees debarked; steel reinforced, concrete structures badly damaged.” ("The Fujita Scale of Tornado Intensity.") “They also destroy large skyscrapers.

Tornadoes can affect the environment by completely destroying it. Tornadoes will kill animals. If the animals die or leave the environment will also be destroyed. They affect the food change thus disrupting the whole environment. They destroy farmland. That means there won’t be food around the surrounding areas. Once the tornado is over, the environment it passed is destroyed. People will have to rebuild all those things that were destroyed. “Tornadoes can cause water contamination.” ("Natural Disasters- Tornadoes Environmental Impact.”) Water contamination is a serious problem. Humans, animals, and plants are affected by it. Debris is one of the top destroyers of life and ecosystems during a tornado. Debris can kill people, animals, and plants very easily. Trees that are snapped or uprooted during a tornado can take up to about 100 years to grow back. Which means if they are destroyed they will be very hard to replace. Some fires may break out after a tornado because of fallen power lines and gas leaks. By that happening it destroys anything left.

People always wonder if there are signs when a tornado is approaching and if there are ways to be safe. There are some warning signs that a tornado is approaching like, a rumbling sound, intense thunderstorms, a dark sky, and strong winds. There are also many things you can do to keep you and your loved ones safe. Things you can do are the following:

1. Go to the lowest floor of your home. You probably want to be in a basement.

2. If you're in a car, you must leave it as soon as possible and find shelter; however if you can’t find shelter lay on the ground in a ditch.

3. Stay away from all debris and windows.

4. Don’t enter elevators during a tornado because there probably won’t be electricity. That means you would be stuck.

5. Another safe place to be is under stairs, table or desk if you don’t have a basement. You can also go into a room with no windows, and put your hands over your head.

6. If you are outside during a tornado the best thing to do is lie on the ground or in a ditch and cover your head with your hands.

After a tornado is over you should stay inside until a police officer or someone tells you its safe. Buildings could collapse or you could get hit by falling debris or you could fall on some.
As you have probably learned tornadoes are deadly and terrible to experience. You should always try to stay away from them. Make sure you take safety precautions. If you want to research more about tornadoes look online or read a book. There is lot of good information out there. Always remember be safe because tornadoes are deadly and destructive.

The author's comments:
Tornadoes are interesting to learn about.

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