The Leap | Teen Ink

The Leap

December 18, 2013
By Brett Paulsen BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Brett Paulsen BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Twelve thousand five hundred feet above the ground, looking down, seeing what felt like the world. Turn back now or take the leap? If I leap, I’ll chance the unknown. If I don’t, I’ll never know.

Skydiving for the first time in Omro, Wisconsin, I was exposed to a new level of trust, reliability and ultimately, heights. I knew it would be scary, but I never thought it would make my blood rush so fast. Everything ran through my head at a million miles per hour.

The door opened, and I was first to go. I stand looking out the door eyes wide open. My heart pounding like the thud of a freight train as it passes.
My dad yelled from behind me, “Jump!”

I yelled back, “1… 2… 3” and I jumped, not knowing what was to come.
One minute and 24 seconds passes and the instructor on my back pulls our parachute. We catch the wind and our down fall slows to a hover. We glide to a farm field and make an abrupt landing. I stop and take a look into the open sky above me and ponder… Why would you ever say no?

My life is like my skydiving adventure. When I have the chance to do something for the first time, I go for it. I am persistent and I strive to do my best. I will challenge myself and open myself up to new experiences in my college campus life at The University of Wisconsin-Platteville. With my bravery to take the leap, positive outlook on life, and ability to keep looking forward, I will chose to take the leap time and time again.

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