Willie Jackson | Teen Ink

Willie Jackson

January 16, 2014
By Anonymous

In 1986 my client, Willie Jackson, was convicted of Aggravated Rape, Attempted Aggravated Rape and Robbery in the state of Los Angeles, tried, and found guilty. However, new evidence shows that they are actually innocent of the crimes they have been found guilty of. To begin, Eyewitness Misidentification resulted in my client accidentally being convicted of the crime. Additionally, Bad Lawyering resulted in my client accidentally being convicted of the crime. Finally, Invalid or Improper Forensic Science resulted in my client accidentally being convicted of the crime.

Eyewitness Misidentification, lead to the wrongful conviction of my client Willie Jackson. Police identified their suspect from the piece of paper found on the victims windshield. The piece of paper found on the victims windshield was a forged book receipt written by my clients brother, Milton Jackson. When Police searched Willie Jackson’s mother house, they found a sweater with the name “Milton” on it similar to the one described by the victim. The sweater found in Willie’s mother’s house had the name Milton, his brother, on it and it was similar to the one the victim described. Clearly, this proves that Willie is innocent, because his brother is the one with the hoodie described by the victim.

Bad lawyering, also lead to the wrongful conviction of my client Willie Jackson. Just days after Willie Jackson was convicted, his brother, Milton confessed. After Milton’s confession, Willie’s lawyering should have used Milton’s confession to eliminate any possibility of Willie being involved in the crime. They found an independent forensic odontologist who concluded that the bite marks weren't from Willie Jackson but he victim , his brother did. Obviously,Willie;s previous lawyer clearly did not look for legal information to prove that he didn't rape the victim.

Invalid or improper Forensic science, has also played a role has also played a role in the wrongful conviction of my client, Willie Jackson. A forensic odontologist who testified that the trial that the bite marks on the victim matched Willie Jackson. There was more than one odontologist who tested the bite marks found on the victim which proved my client innocent. There was also lots of evidence to prove my client was not guilty of this crime. Arape kit was collectedfrom the victim and no semen was detected. When the case was re-trailed again in 2006 there was semen detected on the victims pantyhose which belonged to Milton Jackson.

The prosecution feels that my client is guilty because they say, “when police searched Willie Jackson’s mother’s house they found a sweater with the name “Milton” on it that was similar to the one described by the victim”. This is considered inaccurate because the hoodie found with Milton’s name on it is identical to the goodie described by the victim.Another reason why the prosecution’s evidence is misleading is because, “there is not adequate empirical data on bite mark analysis, the analyst’s assertion that the bite mark came from Jackson was inherently prejudicial and lacked probative value”. This is also inaccurate because the bite mark is clearly not from my client Willie.

Overall, my clients innocence is indisputable for the reasons as stated: Eyewitness Misidentification, Bad Lawyering, Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science. My client has suffered Eyewitness Misidentification, Bad Lawyering, Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science, which lead to the wrongful imprisonment of my client. My client has lost 17 years of his life that he can't get back. He has missed out on many things in life for a crime he didn't commit. I would like to thank all those who proved to the world that he is innocent.

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