"Poor Emily" | Teen Ink

"Poor Emily"

March 27, 2014
By Anonymous

In the short story A Rose for Emily William Faulkner creates Emily Grierson, a respected woman at one point till her death, when the town noticed her insanity caused by loneliness. When the story is introduced Miss Emily seams like a well-put together lady that at her funeral “ the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument” (2-3). When Miss Emily was alive out of respect from colonel Sarteris, the mayor, because the death of her father excused her from all taxes. As one can see Miss Emily is outstandingly respected. Who would say she could ever be insane, much less lonely?

When the new generation came in several letters were sent to Miss Emily. No response to any of them. Two towns’ men from the board of Aldermen went to her door looking for a response. When the men meet Miss Emily she responded with a cold and dry voice “ I have no taxes in Jefferson [, and] Colonel Sartoris explained it to me” (66-67). The men confused, for “ Colonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten years” (77-78). Is Miss Emily going insane? When her father passed away people could hardly see her, she would never come out it was just her and her male nergro servant in the house. She was left alone. Towns’ people began to believe she would never find anyone.

When Homer Barron showed up as the new Yankee in town the people soon began to set up dates between them. Soon Miss Emily accepted. A happy relationship was formed, yet Homer did not plan to be tied down. Miss Emily true insanity was shown when she bought rat poison and murdered Homer Barron.

This all caused by her loneliness, her controlling father before meeting with death never did let her date or even let a boy get near “poor Emily” (182). The only man she knew was her father and the thought of her loosing homer drew her to the poison that caused his death. She kept his body in the house never to be found till it was visited after 10 years of inclosement. The body was in a bed laying; hairs from Miss Emily wore found signaling she must have been sleeping with it. “ Being left alone, and a pauper, she had become humanized” (136-137).

The story was a big twist and turns of events, yet the idea William Faulkner presented proving the respected image of Miss Emily was hid behind her loneliness and insanity still stood.

The author's comments:
The substitute teacher made me do it...

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