No Budget Cut Left Behind | Teen Ink

No Budget Cut Left Behind

April 20, 2014
By ghoffy76 BRONZE, Wind Lake, Wisconsin
ghoffy76 BRONZE, Wind Lake, Wisconsin
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"life is awesome, so are birds"

The government’s decision to reduce the federal budget spent for higher education has been the most strategic economics move in U.S. history.

American education has become too accessible. As a result, workspaces are inundated with over qualified applicants – causing many people to remain unemployed. This is a direct result of the government’s tendency to be too generous with their budget.

But don’t worry; this will not happen for long. By continuously reducing the federal budget for academics, the government is slowly making higher education impossible to afford. This strategy may seem confusing, but I assure you it is quite simple. As the government reduces the federal budget, the schools no longer have as much money to expand their universities. As a result, colleges generously increase their tuition and the price of room and board.

Reducing federal aid for higher education has produced many favorable results. The most popular is the increase in student loan debt. Since 2003, the government has been able to quadruple student loan debt. For the first time in U.S. History, student loan debt has exceeded credit card debt. This may seem alarming to some, but the benefits from these exciting milestones are endless.

As student debt increases, college attendance will follow in an inverse manner. Thus, the inundation of over-qualified applicants will slowly diminish. No longer will we have mechanical engineers working as taxi drivers. Instead, we will have more appropriately certified drivers with a GED or maybe just a middle school diploma.

Many argue that the government needs to increase the budget for education so America does not fall behind academically with other countries. Currently, the United States spends roughly $8,800 per student while China spends only $1,600. China is ranked first in reading, mathematics, and science. The United States is ranked 17th in reading, 31st in mathematics, and 23rd in science. Is it not obvious that the United States is merely trying to follow in China’s footsteps? Who cares if China has a higher dropout rate?

Why is education even important? America does not need higher education to be a dominant world force – that is what our military is for. By reducing federal spending for education, we have more money left over that can go towards new weapons and soldiers. Predicting carcinogenic mutations to cure cancer will not conquer countries – but a surplus of machine guns and bombs will.

In addition to having more money for the military, the recent budget cuts for higher education have alleviated many current environmental problems. As tuition continues to exponentially increase, family’s will began viewing children as economic burdens. As a result, the average family size is guaranteed to decrease. As family size decreases, the amount of energy consumption per household will reduce as well. In addition, the consumption of food and water will drop at significant rates. With time, overpopulated areas will develop into commodious communities. Through cutting the budget for higher education, the government has provided solutions to many real world problems: over-population, scarcity of energy, over-consumption, and water shortages.

The immensely beneficial results of the government’s decision to cut higher education spending will be transcribed throughout history. As tuition becomes next to impossible to afford, citizens will no longer view academics as an essential aspect of life. This strategic decision deserves some applause.

After all, who knees to go two college anyways?

The author's comments:
This was a satire that was completed for Honors English 102

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