Narrative Response to Poetry | Teen Ink

Narrative Response to Poetry

April 27, 2014
By sierral BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
sierral BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The poem “A Psalm of Life”, written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, is said to have
been published in 1838. Longfellow is one of the famous Fireside Poets. “A Psalm of Life” is an
encouraging poem which advises the reader not to allow their lives to waste away. He attempts
to establish the thought in his audience that life’s duration is considerably short. Longfellow
displays that he possesses a very deep and insightful outlook on life.

Analyzing the poem further, the reader will discover that embodies a much deeper meanings
in his figurative language than as it appears. One of the most prevalent figures of speech he uses
personification, and he does not fail to fuse it with something insightful. For example,
he personifies time as a person in the fourth stanza when he writes “Art is long, and Time is
fleeting” (Longfellow 13). He describes time as “fleeting” to make readers come to the
realization that life is not permanent and is instead extremely temporary. Personification is not
only method of insight, he also uses metaphors. The most powerful simile he used was when he
compares life to a battlefield, saying:

In the world’s broad field of battle,

In the bivouac of Life,

Be not like dumb, driven cattle!

Be a hero in the strife! (Longfellow 17-20)
The “bivouac of Life” symbolizes the struggle for life, and he is telling his readers to be a “hero
in the strife”, meaning one should excel and rise above in the struggle. The clear purpose of his
figurative language is to keep consistent with the supportive tone of the poem.

In “A Psalm of Life”, the tone and theme are closely conjoined with each other. The theme of
the poem is not positive nor negative, but simply honest. He does not sugarcoat things when
telling that “life is real! Life is earnest! / And the grave is not its goal” (Longfellow 5).
Longfellow simply does this to appear as if he is a close friend or family member of the reader
giving them encouraging and frank advice. The overall theme of the poem is reiterated
constantly throughout the poem but most clearly expressed in the sixth stanza. In that stanza, he
tells his audience to “Act, — act in the living Present/ Heart within, and God o’erhead!”
(Longfellow 23-24) To summarize it, he is saying do not worry about the past or the future, just
live in the present and everything will fall in its place. Longfellow creates a very consistent
message through his tone and theme together.

After analyzing and researching this poem, one can gain some extremely insightful views on
life. Longfellow was consistent through the entire poem, and there was not even the slightest
change of tone. Reading his poem was extremely uplifting even thought his tone was neither
positive nor negative. One thing I have learned from reading this poem was that I must better
myself and be more patient and not rush things in life. Overall, “A Psalm of Life” was very
encouraging and makes the reader feel like they are talking to someone close rather than a poet
they have never met.

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