"What Is An American" | Teen Ink

"What Is An American"

December 5, 2014
By KelseyV BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
KelseyV BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An American is loyal to their country; they work hard to achieve the best they can in life and are thankful for what is given to them. Through the thick and thin, Americans work to achieve the goals the make for their life. They use hard work and determination to motivate them to make what they want of their life and in the midst of doing that they don’t let anything get in their way. They take advantage of any opportunity to improve on their life that they can. William Bradford, author of “Of Plymouth Plantation” talks of how  the pilgrims thanked and worshiped God for bringing them to this new land safely. This is all about how Americans are grateful and thankful for great opportunities that are brought upon them. Michel-Guilliaum de Crevecoeur’s, author of “What is an American?”,  clearly states that Americans work hard to be rewarded, and where the work hard is the place that they call home. Edward L. Hudgins, author of “What is an American”, talks of Americans way of life, how you need to work hard to achieve the best in life. All of these authors are trying to show what and who and American is by showing that an American is thankful for the opportunities that are given to them to be able to work hard to achieve the best there is for them in life while being faithful to their home.
Americans are thankful for great opportunities that are brought upon them. William Bradford, author of “Of Plymouth Plantation” states, "Being thus arrives in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean," This direct quote from “Of Plymouth Plantation” talks of how as the pilgrims’ boat reached the New Land they were beyond grateful to their God. As they got out of the boat they collapsed to their knees and praised the God who brought them to this land for religious freedom. At that moment what they didn't know was that they would soon be fighting the Native Americans about religion which is ironic because they came to this new land for  the religious freedom they did not get in Britain . Bradford talks of how it was very important for the pilgrims to leave because they were treated brutally.They will try to force Christianity upon the Natives who will be reluctant to changing their beliefs. This will start a feud amongst the two parties. The pilgrims are very grateful to their God for bringing them to this new land for religious freedom which would allow them more opportunities to achieve the best they can for their lives.  Michel-Guilliaum de Crevecoeur has similar views and also talks about Americans and their hard work.
Americans work hard to be rewarded, and where the work hard is the place that they call home. Michel-Guilliaum de Crevecoeur’s, author of “What is an American?”, talks of a motto that was commonly used in America. "Ubi panis ibi patria",this quote easily translates to "Where my bread is earned, there is my country" was the motto of all emigrants. This motto means to them that where they work hard and earn their goods is where their home is. This quote demonstrates the Americans determination to work hard in their lifetime and their will to earn better things not get them handed to them. An American is determined and faithful to their homeland. Americans are faithful to their home where they can work hard to achieve the best out of their life. This is also shown through Edward L. Hudgins words in his writing of “What is an American?”
Americans know that they need to work hard to achieve the best in life. Edward L. Hudgins, author of “What is an American”, states, “An American is anyone who understands that to achieve the best in life requires action, exertion, effort. Americans aren’t idle daydreamers; they take the initiative.” This quotes meaning is indirectly saying that Americans need to work hard to achieve the best in life. Americans, instead of sitting around waiting for good things to happen for them, take charge in their life to achieve the best that there is for them.   They have come to the realization that it takes effort and action to get what you want in your life.This relates back to de Crevecoeur’s “What is an American” that also talked about Americans working hard and being faithful to their home and Bradford’s “Of Plymouth Plantation” talking of Americans being thankful of new opportunities.

Americans have gone through a lot throughout history  while trying to make America what is it today. This includes wars with the natives, expansion, disputes between the north and the south, the secession of the south and much more.Through this all Americans have never failed to work hard to achieve what they want in life. They are constantly grateful for new opportunities that are given to them to get the best in life and are faithful to their home and their country. An American is loyal to their country; they work hard to achieve the best they can in life and are thankful for what is given to them.

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