Classification of Little Kids | Teen Ink

Classification of Little Kids

December 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Little kids; how unpredictable they can be. Some are insane, some are a joy, some are shy, and some are all of the above. A kids personality is only part of the reason that they act the way that they do, another reason is the environment around them. It is important to know the different types of children that come of age due to their surroundings so that parents know to provide their child with the best environment possible. There are three basic types of children, they are the line leaders, the kids in the middle, and the cabooses.

The line leaders
These are the typical well behaved children. They are trusted with the responsibility of being at the front of the line and that cannot be obtained by many children of such a young age. These kids are also the more enjoyable kids to be around. These are the little kids that you would want to spend your Friday nights babysitting. They are typically sweethearts, the kind that get very excited to see you, so that when they do, they run up and give you a big hug. They are not trouble makers when it comes to getting along with others, or obeying the rules at school. They share very well and they listen to the teachers instructions, and they never whine when it is time to clean up. I know a five year old girl who is the perfect portrayal of this type of child, her name is Capri. Whenever she sees he her face lights up as bright as a star, and she runs up and squeezes me as tight as her tiny arms allow. There are not too many of this type of child running around though. When you come across one though, it is likely that they act this way because they have a very stable environment around them. They most likely have other siblings, so they learn to share or interact well with others. They probably have a responsible adult in their lives teaching them the correct way to act. 

"The kids in the Middle"
These are the kids who are not quite brave enough to lead the line, but do not want to be left behind all the way in the back. They are your typical "cry babies." They need to be ripped away from their mothers on the first day of school, they are incredibly clingy to members of their family, and they are very shy. Not only that, they get upset about everything. They will cry if somebody took the toy that they were playing with, or if someone even hurt their feelings, which this just happens to be all the time. Sometimes you feel bad for them and you want to comfort them, but then other times you just really are not in the mood to put up with their constant tears. My brother is the whiniest kid in the entire world, so he is the perfect example of this child. He is very sensitive, and gets upset over simple things that should not put him in such distress. Children that are like this have most likely been overly coddled by their parents, such as my mother has overly coddled my brother. When parents do this, it is not preparing their child for the real world nor teaching hem to be independent like they must be.

"The cabooses"
These are the kids who want the fewest responsibilities. They want to be as far back in the line, as far from the teacher as possible so that they can cause all of the mischief their heart desires. You see them running through the grocery store with a devilish grin on their faces throwing everything from the shelves. Putting glue in their sister's hair and coloring the kitchen wall are their favorite hobbies. Teasing, taunting, and tricking are their finest skills and they are always up to some mischievous task. This reminds me of my neighbor Rocco. He has pulled all of the stunts and is nothing but a ball of trouble. Now, every little kids acts up some time or another, but these are kids with constant behavioral issues. Usually, when you see this type of child in a store, knocking things off of shelves, you usually see a mother, close in the vicinity, but paying attention to other things. Children who act out in this way are most likely seeking attention. Maybe their parents work often, or maybe they have younger siblings that need the attention more. Ultimately, these children are not acting the way they are simply to be brats, but they are doing it for a purpose that needs to be addressed by their parents.

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