What makes a good coach | Teen Ink

What makes a good coach

February 13, 2015
By justin bates BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
justin bates BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

2nd and goal. The pats are up by 4 with the seahawks on the 1-yar line. All they need to do is run it to “beastmode” and they have have the lead with a minute left. Bill Belichick of the Patriots decides to try and make a stop instead of letting them score to put the ball in Tom Brady and the offense’s hands. That may have been the greatest decision in Super Bowl history. Russell Wilson drops back instead of handing it to Marshawn Lynch, targeting his receiver across the middle but instead he throws it right into the arms of Malcolm Butler, the undrafted rookie cornerback for the patriots. This has sealed the deal for the Patriots 4th super bowl win under Bill Belichick. The Patriots had no Super Bowl wins before Bill Belichick’s current tenure in New England.

                       This sparks a question. is Bill Belichick one of the greatest coaches in NFL history? If so, what makes a good coach? Do you think being a successful coach makes you a good coach? We had a chance to interview 2 male athletes and a female athlete. All 3 athletes agreed that someone that will talk to you and help you individually in a nice manner makes you a good coach. A survey on Kidshealth website shows that only 9% of the survey participants think that a coach should care most about winning. This shows that mostly everyone agrees collectively what makes a good coach. Good coaches shouldn't put you down or lower your self esteem. They should only work to make their players better.WInning doesn't make you a good coach and losing doesn't mean that you're a bad coach either.

      Make sure to look for these qualities in a coach, One coach can destroy and make you hate the game that you love. If there is a coach that isn't doing a good job or if he is putting his players down then don't be afraid to try and make a change. This is your life not his, but be open to friendly criticism from the people that are trying to make you better because after all, you don't want to feel deflated.

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