Different but the Same | Teen Ink

Different but the Same

April 26, 2016
By sophiemessineo BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
sophiemessineo BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
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Imagine going to school every day and not being able to be in the same classroom with your friends. Why? Because you learn differently than everyone else. There was a time in education where people thought that inclusion was not right. Educators believed that is was best to separate the children with disabilities. Overtime beliefs have changed although, some schools still continue to segregate students. In schools there should be inclusion because general education students become more accepting, it benefits the disabled students, and the law supports it.

First, inclusion allows students without disabilities to become more accepting. Having all of the students in one class together benefits the nondisabled children too. They are able to become more empathetic towards their peers. According to Sean Adelman, an advocate for inclusion of special education students in regular classrooms, “...inclusion of students with disabilities benefits entire student bodies by teaching kids about diversity in the real world and helping them develop empathy” (Baker). Students will be able to experience what it is like to be in a classroom with the disabled classmates. The students learn that it is okay to be different. Also, they will be able to appreciate what they have and be more welcoming to their peers. For example, C.J. Shearn a student with disabilities has his friends put his books in the back of his wheelchair. When he rolls down the hallway all of his classmates give him high fives (Chira). CJ is a student that has his classmates support. His peers make it seem like he is not different than them. They accept him for who he is and embrace his challenges. During times of physical activities, peers choose to get a drink of water when Bobby Westcott, a disabled student has to use his oxygen tank to breathe to make him feel included (Chira). All of Bobby’s classmates do what they can so he will not feel excluded. They will take a break when he has to stop to breathe. Bobby’s classmate accept that he has a disability. However, some may say that if all students are put in one classroom then the disabled ones will be bullied. The other children may think that they are weird or different. This will make it hard for them to feel okay in an environment with children. This statement is incorrect because studies show that students become more compassionate from being in an inclusion classroom setting. They have the opportunity to be with peers different than themselves.  All in all, in an inclusion classroom the other classmates will be able to develop empathy for the disabled students.

Next, there should be inclusion because it is beneficial for those students with disabilities. The children will not only be able to keep up, they will develop new learning skills. All of the kids are able to work at the same pace (Baker). The special education children are being pushed while in class. They are working harder and being motivated when they are in a setting with classmates working above their academic level. The disabled students will be able to work well with their peers.When students are included it allows all of them to make new friendships. They will also have a role model to look up to (Harchik). When the class is mixed with all different types of kids then the disabled students will be able to learn new ways to behave and act appropriately within the classroom. In this case, some schools are going out of their way to make sure that all kids can learn. Many, “of the desks have charts with letters and numbers, for children who cannot speak and need to point to communicate” (Chira).Teachers are making sure that the all of the students can learn depending on their needs. They try to make them feel comfortable. Many people may disagree and say that inclusion is not helping them but, hurting them. They may not be able to keep up with the pace of the other children. They also may not be able to complete the same work as them. This is incorrect because if all the students are together then the disabled ones will be encouraged to work harder. Even if the work has to be modified and accommodations are needed at least they are not segregated. Therefore, all students should be together in one classroom because it benefits the disabled children.

Lastly, there should be inclusion because it is the law. IDEA (Individual with Disabilities Education Act) is, “The 1975 law establishing handicapped children's rights to special services called for placing such children in regular classrooms whenever possible” (Chira). It is the law that all students should be included. The law calls for LRE (least restrictive environment) meaning that students with special needs should always be educated with nondisabled peers. Schools must follow “The law [that] requires children with disabilities be educated with children who are not disabled to the extent that is appropriate” (Baker). Since it is a law inclusion is necessary. Schools should adapt to, “The practice of mainstreaming students with disabilities in regular classrooms is required by law as long as it is ‘conducive to learning’” (Baker). If there is a beneficial environment for learning then all students should be in one classroom no matter what their learning style is. It is true that some people do not agree with all the laws. They may not choose to follow them. For example, “Although IDEA became law more than two decades ago, its implementation remains spotty”(Baker). Some schools may ignore the guidelines of IDEA. They choose to disagree with these laws. However, it is important that society follows them. Schools need to implement these laws so they are not sued. If no one followed the laws then there would be a lot of chaos is the world.  Overall, there should be inclusion because it is the law.
All in all, there should be inclusion because it allows the nondisabled children to become more empathetic, the disabled students learning is enhanced, and the law supports it. Every student is important. The school system should be designed so every child receives the maximum benefit. If there is never inclusion then the students will never learn equality. The future generation will judge one another by their differences. Our education is preparing us for our life after school in which we all interact together. So, why should our time in school be any different?


Works Cited
Baker, Celia R. "Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Regular Classrooms: Good
for Kids, or Good for Budgets?" DeseretNews.com. N.p., 07 Jan. 2013. Web. 27 Mar.
Chira, Susan. "When Disabled Students Enter Regular Classrooms." The New York Times. The
New York Times, 18 May 1993. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.

Harchik, Alan. "News For Parents.org - Inclusion Pros and Cons." News For Parents.org -
Inclusion Pros and Cons. News for Parents.org ., 2005. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.

The author's comments:

My mom works in a school and this is an issue there. 

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