Family Donuts | Teen Ink

Family Donuts

October 2, 2018
By willsways3 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
willsways3 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Les and Carolyn, my grandparents, go together like ketchup and mustard when they are working in the kitchen. While the birds chirp and the leaves rustle like a playing card stuck in a fan, I pull the sheets off of me.  As I walk downstairs, I start to detect this faint but familiar smell. And then I see my grandparents. My grandma wears her cooking apron and my grandpa uses the deep fryer. Once I saw these two in my kitchen I knew I was in for a great breakfast.

“What are you making?” I asked.

My grandma says, “Go back upstairs. I want it to be a surprise for you.”  

Then I go back upstairs to fall asleep. I’m not a morning person. Once I wake I get a surprise: my cousins are in the kitchen.

She says, “Well since you all are here we can all make the meal together.”  

We get the dough for our donuts and put them in the deep fryer and wait until they are ready. Once they are done, we cover them in powdered sugar and sit down at my kitchen table and just catch up with one another while letting the donuts cool. We get so carried away in conversation that we all forgot about the donuts. The donuts weren’t to cold, the temperature doesn’t matter to me. They taste amazing anyway.  We go back and make another batch, and keep doing that until we are so full that we can’t even shove anymore down our throats.

The donuts brought us all together. And like how a donut needs it’s frosting to taste good, we all need each other to feel good.

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