Dear Veteran | Teen Ink

Dear Veteran

January 7, 2019
By hockey17 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
hockey17 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

In our day to day lives we often don’t notice how good we really have it. How great our lives our, and how we have the opportunity to do whatever we want to do with our lives. All of this is available to us because of you and the tremendous sacrifice you made when you were my age. Instead of filling out college applications and touring schools you were joining the military to serve for your country, not sure about what would be on the other side. Today, I would like to thank you for your service, for all the sacrifices you made for our country and to welcome you home from the service you went through so many years ago.

My name is Matt and I am a senior this year. After watching videos on the honor flight in class I was inspired to write to you to thank you for all of the tremendous sacrifices you made for this country. Through your sacrifices day in and day out we are able to enjoy the freedoms we have today. We are able to run programs such as the honor flight to send you to Washington D.C. to see the memorials for you.

While in Washington D.C. I hope you enjoy the monuments as much as I did while I was there. The memorials put you back through time and really put into a realization the sacrifice you make for our country. I hope you enjoy the memorials made after you on your trip.

Welcome Home.


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