Middle School Desperately Needs New Equipment | Teen Ink

Middle School Desperately Needs New Equipment

January 18, 2019
By DiegoJ BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
DiegoJ BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On Wednesday, January 16th, Mrs. Fugarino’s class made an interesting observation during their walk around the school. As they were walking through the large gym, they noticed that despite the net on the scoreboard being there for protection, a ball managed to find its way inside, and is now pinned against the scoreboard by the net. Students were bewildered, but most forgot all about it by the time they returned to the classroom. Those who didn’t forget, however, are the ones, like myself, who believe that the school’s equipment is out of date and needs repair or replacement.

Although the school has recently acquired Chromebooks as well as other new monitors, Chromebooks are an absolute necessity for schooling nowadays, especially since many classes themselves solely focus on learning the art of computers and software. However, many schools are switching over to digital clocks. To quote the Washington Post, “Some British schools are replacing analog clocks with digital ones because kids can’t read them — but it’s not a problem singular to Britain. Plenty of Americans kids can’t read them either.” While British schools are streamlining processes to an extreme amount, the school still has only analog clocks and hasn’t even thought of fixing their scoreboard, much less investing in a new one.

With Britain switching to digital clocks and our scoreboard unable to protect itself, I think it’s time my school thought about getting some new equipment and technology.

The author's comments:

My teacher had us write a story, so I passionately wrote a story about a topic I am nowhere near passionate about.

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