Eyes | Teen Ink


May 14, 2019
By AHS_JLu SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHS_JLu SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

All five of my siblings have different eyes. My oldest sister, Jazmine, has brown bold swirls, like soft brownies freshly baked. Jaron has eyes like my dad, eyes that turn you to stone with ambition looped around them like rabbits around a tree. Andy has eyes as blue as the sea, and just as mysterious. My eyes are colors of brown and green dancing the waltz around my iris painting a picture more elegant than Michelangelo.

Our youngest, Jillian, her eyes are different. Her eyes are the sky. Birds singing their dissonant song along with the waves of the sea, a river crashing onto rocks creating such chaos that you feel calm, calm and free. Our eyes are windows to our souls. Windows looking deep into our lives, for if you know our eyes, you know us.

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