Dear Veteran | Teen Ink

Dear Veteran

January 16, 2020
By 0lenz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
0lenz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

    Today's generation of kids contain very little to no kids who have the same amount of courage and bravery that our past veterans had in order to stand up for our country and go to war to protect those at home. The world has changed in many ways that has given the new generations feelings of comfort and safety at home without much worry that we will ever be targeted by other countries. This safety and security felt here at home is thanks to you and other veterans in the United States. I have the utmost respect for what you’ve done for my generation and the life I’ve been able to live because of you.


My name is Dylan, I go to Arrowhead high school. I’m in a creative writing class where we watched a documentary about the Honor Flight and how it helps to remind our veterans how thankful we are for them. I found the film very meaningful and it inspired me to write this letter. I’m 18 years old and plan on attending a 4-year university next year to study business. I am able to accomplish this because of how much you’ve helped our country. My dad served in Desert Storm and has helped me to understand how much courage, determination, and guts it takes to be a veteran, and for this reason I am writing to you to make sure you know how thankful I am for you.

Lastly, I’d just like to tell you, welcome home, because I wasn’t able to do it in person. You’ve done more for me than I can even begin to imagine and can’t express through words how grateful I am for what you’ve done for me. I feel honored to have this opportunity to write to you and hope you have a beautiful and amazing journey throughout the rest of your life.



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