Glass Cup | Teen Ink

Glass Cup

October 5, 2021
By Dario SILVER, Sacramento, California
Dario SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you aim at nothing, you will hit nothing." - Some random girl in Shang Chi

Glass cup.

Early in the nighttime when I was around 7 years old. I was chilling in my brother's room watching him play games when he asked me to get him a glass of water. 


“Alright,” I said

I left the room and headed downstairs sliding down the stairs because it was fun and my sister was on the couch watching some tv. 

She asks “What are you doing?”

I replied “getting some water”

She says “Ok”

The kitchen was dark but I could still see because of the living room and tv light. I didn’t turn on the light because I didn’t feel like it at the time. I walk into the kitchen and asked

 “Where are the cups? 

“In the cabinet” She replies

So I go grab a cup and I rinse it. My 7-year-old self did not get the idea to dry the cup after rinsing it so it was very wet and slippery. The water and ice dispenser was located in the freezer side of the fridge. I head over and bring the slippery and put ice in the cup. 

In this moment I thought to myself like damn this cup getting kind of heavy. 

I didn’t think much of it however for whatever reason. With the ice in the cup it was pretty heavy. I went to pour water into the cup and I didn't fill the cup to a reasonable level, I filled it all the way to the top like literally to the tippy top. I didn’t know why I did that at the time but for some reason, my 7-year-old self wanted to do that. At that point, the cup was very heavy like I stated before and It was filled with water and ice to the very top. I start walking and try to not keep the water from spilling out of the cup and it slowly starts slipping out of my hand and I try to hold it tightly with both hands not to mention the cup was pretty big too. So it slips out of my hands and falls and breaks on the ground. 

“What happened!?” Screamed my sister 

“The cup dropped,”  I said

Now I'm just thinking to myself I'm in trouble ain’t I. I was a little embarrassed because I just dropped it like that. I stood still for a few seconds because I didn’t know what to do. 

I was expecting her to be like 

“Wtf did you do!?”

My sister wasn’t mad though, Surprisingly. 

“Who is the water for?” She asked


I told her it was for our brother so she went and gave him the water in a different cup obviously. She cleaned it up and that was it for that night. Thinking back to it now I was embarrassed, I have no idea why I didn’t dry it, filled it all the way to the top, etc, but we all learn from our mistakes especially a favorite one and I know definitely not to do that now. 

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Afra ELITE said...
on Mar. 2 2022 at 1:10 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

I like the smooth flow...Nicely written...