Anthony | Teen Ink


October 8, 2021
By 3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name means highly praiseworthy, like a king or leader. In Greek it means priceless one. It's number one. The most important. The best. Anthony is a nice ruby red, like the jewels on a crown or the red and gold on the royal chair, that the king sits in. It is as if my mom lost something important. She prays to St. Anthony. 

My mom chose Anthony because every man in my family has first names with A. Like a Lion pride we stick together. Anthony, Ambrose, and Andrew. So she wanted my name to start with an A.

She chose Anthony because she knows it's royal. Like a prince she knows that if I can't get something I want I'll get it somehow. Just like someone from a royal family.  She says they are all hard working people. She wants me to be hard working too. That's just what's in my blood. It's like a gene. 

My dad, Ambrose. My uncle, Andrew. Me, Anthony. we all do different things. They work hard doing their job. I work hard in the weight room, at school, and at home.

Sometimes Anthony can be lazy. he feels like he completed everything. or just feels like he's too good to do something. Like a king. but I can't get away with that. My mom won't stop screaming at me unless I do it. sometimes even the king has to accept what other people say sometimes.

What I like about my name is it has many nicknames. Like Ant, Tony, Thony, Anton, Antwaun, and Antoine. I also like how my name is not very popular but still pretty popular. Like everyone knows a Anthony, but they only know like 2-3. Unlike Jack where everyone knows like 5-7.

If I had to change my name I would change it to Ambrose. Ambrose is royal blue like a crystal of a crown. Ambrose is a top-tier name. Top tier like you're on top of the Willis Tower. No one really has it. it's one of the best names. Ambrose also means immortal. like a plastic bag laying on the beach, never breaking down or dissolving. there forever. 

But if I didn't have to, I would keep my name. Just because there aren't a lot of people with the name and because it means royalty or priceless one and that is me. That is describing a king in the United Kingdom. It describes me too. I feel like I'm too good. Like the king or dictator.

The author's comments:

This piece is about my name and what it means.

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