Writing. | Teen Ink


January 21, 2022
By Anonymous

  Writing is like driving a car at night; it turns into a method to be able to relax and every turn you make is a note you write down when taking a deep breath. I personally had never thought of myself as a writer. I always thought of my soccer method, shooting soccer balls into the plain air to let my thoughts out. Starting the year off in this class I wasn't sure what to write about in my prompts besides free-write. So my first draft “Narrative Essay” really got me started on my public speaking and ways of  letting your mind roam. I got put in this class for credit recovery, but I don't complain well maybe a bit but this class has made me focus and improve my writing. This class gets chosen as a random elective most of the time but walking out of this class you feel like a brand new author. 

For each piece I wrote, a headache would come along. I got my work done though and a grade I was fine with. I thought that was all I needed but after a few more pieces I wasn't satisfied. I didn't like how I wrote out my work or how there wasn't much change in my revision drafts. I started by planning out my work and coming up with just one idea to start off with since one led me to many. Sometimes I wrote from my pov, my story. What I would see or think on the daily. It is difficult  figuring out how to start off your topic or how to even get one but that's step one, they tell you “don't get too stuck on it and move on” but where exactly if you have no information or details to use. That's exactly when free-write comes in hand. 

I've personally learned so much from this class and I hope it's been the same for others. I think everyone's favorite part might be free-writing and the chance to write poems based on a specific topic such as our recent art one. I luckily was hungry while writing mine which made it easy to come up with key ideas. I think the part of doing so well stresses us all out but just the effort put into a masterpiece we've made is worth enough. This class has made a lot of great changes. 

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