My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

February 24, 2022
By prestonschoenfelder SILVER, Randolph, Minnesota
prestonschoenfelder SILVER, Randolph, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Before the year started I heard people saying how hard algebra 2 is and how they don’t like the teacher, but after a month and a half in school I think Mr. Quilan is a great teacher and his class is really easy. A few reasons that Mr. Quinlan is my favorite is because he has a good personality, the way he teaches is good, and he is a coach on the football and baseball teams.

 The first reason why is his personality, his personality is great because he is usually always happy during the class. When he is in a good mood during the class it makes it a lot more enjoyable to learn, and I am excited to be there and learn. When I start the day in a good mood, it makes the rest of my day easier. Also, when he is happy, it seems like he teaches better.

The second reason why he’s my favorite is because of the way he teaches. I haven’t I left his class not knowing everything to do in that lesson. Because of that, I get good grades in his class, getting high B’s and low to mid-A’s on all the tests and quizzes. Before this year I always hated math or math-related things, but now I would say it’s one of my favorite classes. He has taught me a lot in class and sports.

The last reason why is because Mr. Quinlan is the coach in football and this year's baseball team. Since he is my coach I already knew him and how he is as a person. He also happens to be the coach in my two favorite sports, baseball, and football. He has taught me many new things in football and baseball, and probably lots more in the future. So I see him every day at school, and after school.

In conclusion, Mr. Quilan is my favorite teacher right now because of his personality, how he teaches his class, and that he is my coach in football and baseball. Even though people said he wasn’t the best teacher, I think he is amazing. 

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