A Simple Name | Teen Ink

A Simple Name

March 7, 2022
By NotMyActualName GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
NotMyActualName GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You're only out of options when you stop looking for them.

Daniel is a very common name. Overused. It is a name of pure light. One that brings faith and belief. It is passion and courage. It is of saints and angels who carried the name. The name also has certain feelings of pain that people felt while believing in the same thing that this name stood for, most commonly being Daniel in the lion’s den. Daniel in the lion’s den knew that the current king in the lands that he lived in had laws based on punishment of death to anyone who followed certain religions and prayed to certain individuals yet Daniel still did pray and believe. We look up to those same beliefs of the people in the past with the name, it is our guidance.

The name has gone old due to its overuse throughout time. Yet the people with the name haven’t. It fits people of any age or belief for in a way it is a term that symbolizes how it is for everyone, how no one person with the name is greater than the rest. The seniority and age of the term tend to come from its exact heritage and history but the people with the term are not particularly old themselves. The humans with the name tend to have their own special traits, talents, and paths in life that make them unique to others. This name has been used to show the importance of everyone, most simply the fact that the name is so common that many famous individuals who everyone knows and none can forget have this same name. Such individuals are Saint Daniel from the lion’s den, Daniel Boone, Daniel Craig, and many many others. These individuals give this name a success story to teach others the possibilities in life when goals are met through perseverance and hopefulness. 

The courage that people with this name have faced is present in it, through the current actions of people with that name such as the many actors and other celebrities who try their best to create a difference in the world. The actions people have given onto this name are also present today from what they have done in the past, such as the frontiersman Daniel Boone who led expeditions across America in search of how far the lands are and if they can be settled. This man alone had his own strength and courage present in himself and can be used as a hero and guide for people with similar names. The power that has been given is never forgotten but rather celebrated, the power of faith that is always found through the aforementioned Saint that stood up for his and many others beliefs. These same beliefs that Saint Daniel stood for and almost died because of  are the same beliefs that many people had been martyred because of that faith.

It has its roots and even though I think of the average person from it I know I can become greater than that. Greater than just the average person by implementing the same courage that Daniel in the lion’s den and many others with this great name had into my own day to day life. I can use what this word has stood for as a way to better myself by understanding that this name is a gift and I should improve myself for the better through my words and actions to others such as how people with my name also did. The belief and faith that this name has are a solution to a way of life rather than an issue. This is where the pure light and white coloring that I believe the name has come from. I also believe that the name gives off a soft feeling due to the same similarities. Instead of the name being something so common that it lost its meaning, the meaning is rather that through self encouragement and courage, people may become special and unique.

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