Family Reunite | Teen Ink

Family Reunite

December 7, 2023
By Anonymous

As the school year came to a close, I found myself counting down the days until I could be with my family for the summer. Living with my dad for the past few years while my mom and older brother were in a different state had been tough but now I finally had the chance to see them. With a mixture of excitement and nerves I boarded the plane and landed in my hometown. As I stepped into their cozy apartment a rush of familiarity and love swept over me. The days were made with laughter, late night talks, and fun things with my brother. 

We went around the city and visited some amusement parks and spent endless hours swimming at our favorite beach. It felt like a dream come true. But as the summer days went by life began to sink in. My brother had changed in ways I would've thought. His teenage ways had 

escalated into a dangerous lifestyle of drugs and crime. Instead of the carefree summer I had thought of, I became a witness to the chaos that consumed his life. 

My mom, torn between her love for him and her concern for my well being, was left of worry. I tried to steer my brother away from the path he was on, but my efforts felt like they did not work. The irony of the situation was not lost on me. I had come to spend a summer reconnecting with my brother and mom, but instead, I found myself going  between the love I had 

for my brother and the need to protect myself from the consequences of his actions. It was a constant battle, a storm that I felt inside me, echoing the thunder that rolled outside our apartment. 

I felt overwhelmingly emotionally disturbed , feeling as though I was drowning in a sea of uncertainty. The weight of the situation came down on me like a hammer, threatening to crush my hopes and dreams. I found comfort in writing, pouring my emotions onto paper in poetic form. Each stanza seemed to be a lifeline holding me up when I felt like giving in. 

The summer that was supposed to be a joyful reunion had turned into a bad blend of heartache and resilience. And as I prepared to leave once again, my heart heavy with a mixture of disappointment and determination, I promised myself that I would never stop fighting for my brother, even if it meant facing the storms of life head-on.

The author's comments:

im a person who really likes spending the summer with my family

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