How To Do Make-Up | Teen Ink

How To Do Make-Up

February 13, 2024
By 4morrisonj SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4morrisonj SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Start with a clean face,” says makeup expert Julia Marie, 17, a beauty intrigues with. Her entire passion is based on the perfect ways to do your makeup, How to keep a smooth base; Julia informs us to never mix silicone and water based products to create a picture perfect base. 

Julia Marie desvored makeup at the age of 11, and was invested in learning how to do it properly, with loads of helpful tips and videos from other creators like Nikky, Mikayla, etc. It all started when her dad allowed her to buy her first concealer and mascara. Sooner or later she turned to big chucky eyeliner and lashes, woah was that a look. “I was 13, putting eyelashes on that were so big they touched my eyebrows!” Julia states. “If you’d like to wear lashes, start with something small and more natural looking, skip the awkward phase.” 

A vast majority of Maries commentary are about how to achieve the perfect makeup look, and how to properly put on lashes without them falling off. In a live chat with her friends, someone commented that their inner corner is always lifting, “If you put a thin amount of glue to your lash line NOT in your natural lashes, and glue to the false eyelashes, they will stick. In fact they will barely move.” Her friends tried this technique and their lash lifting was improved, but they still couldn’t figure the base out. “Start with moisturizer and a primer that works for your pores, NEVER mix silicone and water based products together, otherwise it causes cracking and separation. Use all water or all silicone for the perfect base.” Marie tells her friends.

Marie’s friends spread the word on how to help their make-up issues, with credit given to Marie. Marie is considering starting a channel to help other people with their questions and concerns. 

“I enjoy dolling myself and others up, I’d love to help others that are struggling to unleash their inner beauty.”

The author's comments:

It's about something i'm personally good at. 

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