I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

May 28, 2024
By ahs1997 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs1997 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I would like to see people be able to have their own personal beliefs instead of having it forced on them. This could be from parents or teachers who want people to think the same way they do. The amount of times I have heard “that's not what my parents said” is honestly concerning for society. Whether it is about religion, politics, etc some people hear an opinion and don’t even think for themselves about the topic. If everyone did their own research and could think for themselves then people would think a lot differently. When you ask someone why they think something nine times out of 10…The News. We race to see what the local news or social media has to say but we never think about how we feel. Since people can’t get off of phones and social media it is like we are being tube fed information from biased sources. I myself feel like I have fallen into this trap before because I've seen things on social media before that make me concerned or worried that turn out to be complete lies. This is why it is important to discuss these things with other people so you can hear different views and opinions different from what you’ve heard or thought. 

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