Passion | Teen Ink


February 18, 2010
By NicoleP BRONZE, Benton, Arkansas
NicoleP BRONZE, Benton, Arkansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Passion is described as any strong emotion, enthusiasm, and a sexual desire.

With the definition given I don’t think I’m passionate about anything. I like reading. But is like a strong emotion? I adore school. But is to adore a strong emotion? I am fond of History. But is fondness a strong emotion?

Others can say I love photography, or music is my life. Those people know what they love and what they are passionate about. Some yell and scream for peace, to end war, and to feed the hungry. Those people are passionate. Others could write great novels and write for days with not block. I call that passion.

Sure I like music. But try to make me play a tune on a guitar and all you will hear is a mess. Try to get me to take a once in a lifetime photo and my finger will cover the lens. Tell me to write a great paper on passion and I will get lost. But for those that love to write, or play music, or photograph images. It’s there Passion.

I am only sixteen years old. My passion is undiscovered. But for now I will float by with adoring school my likeness of reading, my fondness of History, and for me that’s good enough.

The author's comments:
My teacher told me to write about what I was passionate about...

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