Stories | Teen Ink


September 21, 2007
By Anonymous

Since i was young i was never blessed with very fortunate events. Even my friends joke around about whenever they talk to me i have nothing happy to say about my life. I believe the statement "life isnt always fair" but i would walk around thinking when will life START being fair to me. Wakeing up in the morning always felt like a chore, i was tired no matter what i did. All my own negativity was takeing its toll on my body.
Some people keep diarys of their feelings and so on, i would write storys. I always had paper near me so i could write down whatever i thought of. But since last year i wouldnt take my imagination on a ride i was scared nothing good would come of it. All the comments and jokes about my bad life didnt make me feel to great about the few things that were going alright. Soon those good things just kind of disappeared, I felt that i would never find the light i needed or the hope i wanted.
Something one of my friends had told me really touched my heart. It was simple and cliche but it ment something to me. she had said to me "dont give up hopes its always there" But how could i believe her when im walking around thinking how crap my life really is. I had no hope for my writing even though i missed it terribly. it was like pens would run screaming from me if i touched them and paper would hide from me. I just felt worse about my lack of happiness.
I would see my friends laughing and so on about how nice life is but if lifes so good why do roses have thorns? i couldnt stand being near cheerful people! but one day after i got home from school i felt like i got hit with a ton of bricks. it was right in front of me the whole time, my hope, my happiness! i just didnt realize it but it was there for me the whole time! my writing!! My storys came from my heart they were little peices of me. I turned the unfortunate events in my life into storys lines. I could make people laugh, cry, smile or be angry. I couldnt ask for a better gift.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 29 2011 at 10:56 am
Randomreality13 SILVER, Havre De Grace, Maryland
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If it doesnt kill you it makes you stronger&quot;<br /> &quot;I am me and no one will change me&quot;

Dang i liked it. Its sorta like an internal conflict is tryin 2 take ova ur life but u find hope an u learn to get bck control