Brotherly Love | Teen Ink

Brotherly Love

April 22, 2008
By Anonymous

Brotherly Love
An average day in my house usually involves a disagreement of some sort between my younger brother and myself. Typically, that disagreement ends in a full-blown fight.
Lets go back in time a little bit, when I was three years, one month, and nine days old, what my parents would refer to as a “little bundle of joy”, which in other words means my little brother, came into the world. Right from the start my brother and I got off on the wrong foot. I remember going to the hospital to visit him, and I remember getting yelled at for trying to pull his eyes open. Then later that night I broke out with the chickenpox. So I was forced to be away from my parents for an extra week.
Now, in the present day, my little brother, Nathan, can still mess up my day. We fight on a daily basis, but I know if he was not there to pick on me or for me to pick on him, I would be completely lost.
Since I can remember, I have always been bigger than my brother, who is three years younger than me. But within the last year or so, my “little” brother has become bigger than me. My mother would always warn me that one day the tables would turn, but I never believed her. However, now I have gotten myself into a pickle.
There is no certain memory that sticks out in my mind, but I do know that now a days, there is always something happening between Nathan and me. Over the past few years, basically since he has entered middle school, he has gotten more annoying by the minute. Now as his middle school years are ending, and his high school years are beginning, he is starting to mature. I may be contradicting myself right now, because as I write this my brother is just a few feet away, making annoying sounds, and putting my innocent mother in the full nelson, as he calls it.
As my brother is maturing a little, and I mean very little each day, our house is starting to become more peaceful. That may be because he is maturing, but I think it has a little to do with him being involved in athletics more, which keeps him pretty busy. It has been very interesting for me to watch Nathan grow up into his teenage years. I find myself wanting to help him choose his clothing so he will “fit in” and be more normal than he is, but then the little kid in him comes out again and he completely ignores my advice.
I enjoy my brother growing up because he is now bigger than me and sometimes gives me piggy back rides. Other times, he uses his size to take complete advantage of me. There are times when everything seems completely normal between us, but then he decides to attack me. The child in him comes out when he does not get his way and I am standing in the way of what he wants to gain, all he has to do is pick me up or pull me to move me and get whatever he wants. This makes me mad, because I cannot fight back.
All and all; I completely enjoy having Nathan as my little brother, and I would not trade him for anyone else in the world. Next year I will be entering my senior year of high school, where I will have to be making decisions about colleges and what I want to do with the rest of my life. I sometimes dread going away to college because I do not want to leave my family behind, especially my little brother, but I know with technology these days, my family will only be a phone call away.

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Karyssa Ann Terhark

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