What It's Like to Be a Model | Teen Ink

What It's Like to Be a Model

November 21, 2007
By Anonymous

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a model? I have, and I have experienced it. Well, not really, but I have experienced modeling classes. Is it easy? You may wonder. Believe me, it’s not easy. Its not just “stand there and strike a pose.” It’s a lot more than that. The modeling life is not all that, after you have read this article, you will have second thoughts, whether to be a model or not.

It all started, on a Saturday when I got this postcard from this modeling/ acting company named Barbizon. The postcard had invited me to come try out for a modeling career. I showed the postcard to my parents, and they asked if I wanted to go to this, I responded, “Yes, I want to go do this.” My parents also warned me not to be disappointed if I didn’t make it, I said I wouldn’t. The next day was Sunday; I had to go to church that morning. After spending three hours in the “house of God”, my family and I went home. The modeling try-outs were that afternoon, I had to go home, eat lunch, and then I had to go again. The try-outs were placed at the Holiday Inn, in a town fifteen minutes away from where I lived. When my dad and I arrived at the Holiday Inn, we walked in through the front doors, there was a pretty good size crowd of kids of the age of 10 to 18, I would say. I was given a paper to fill out, while I was waiting. After I had filled out the paperwork, I handed the people my paperwork along with a photo of myself. All the kids were called into a room three at a time, I was one of the first to go and try out. The lady that was the judge told me to walk in these sort-of-ways, after I had did the walking, my audition was done. I was thinking to myself, “that was quick.” The judge told me that she would call me and let me know my results.

A few days later, after I had just got home from school, I received a phone call, I picked up the phone, it was my judge from the audition. She asked me how I was doing, I told her I was I was doing fine, and then she told me that I had made it in the “top-ten” list. I was ecstatic, I was on my way to a “money-making” career, or at least that’s what I thought.

My schedule for modeling school was “busy, busy.” Every Saturday I had class. I didn’t really enjoy it at first, but to be perfectly honest, I wanted to drop out. I had told my parents this, and they told me to give it some time, and that I couldn’t drop out, because they had spent too much money for my class. Why I didn’t like it, was because we would spend most of the class time strutting down the runway and “jotting” down notes. I hated the runway so much, but I got used to it. During modeling school, I had made friends; I became really attached to the class as time passed by.

After eight months of posing and strutting down the runway, it was the day of graduation. The months had gone by so fast; I couldn’t believe it was coming to an end already. Graduation was in October of 2006. it was a Sunday, I had to skip church, because I had to help with decorations, and setting up for graduation. That afternoon, all the parents, relatives, and families of the models came for graduation. From me, I say that we put on an extravaganza of talent. The graduation was split into themes; the first theme was “Black & White.” Yes, I was in that one, the next theme that I was in was “Creative Wardrobe.” For “Creative Wardrobe”, I had made a Robin Hood looking sort-of shirt, the audience loved it. After “Creative Wardrobe”, it was time for some people to show off their talent. For my act, I performed a monologue that I had memorized that was from the movie Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride. I received a lot of laughs, on my performance, so that must mean that I did an excellent job. Continuing with the fashion show, the next theme I was in was “Vintage.” I dressed up like I was from the “Grease” era, and I looked good. The last theme was “Formal”, the men wore tuxedos, and escorted the women on the runway. The men just stood in the back of the runway while the women showed off their “enchanting” dresses. I wore a nice tuxedo, with a red bow-tie, and a red sash. When I showed my last appearance on the runway, I received a “hoots”, and “whistles” from the audience, I tried not to blush. At the end, all the graduates got up on the runway, bowed and curtsied. I was sad that it was all over.

As you can see I had really become attached to this group of models, I felt like I had a second family. I was sad to be leaving them; I knew that I probably would never see them ever again. But that’s just me, I want people to consider taking on this career. It’s a lot of work; you just got to keep working at it. As of today I am still trying to work on this career. Is it worth it? Well, I guess it depends on your parents I guess, unless you are a wealthy child. My parents paid two-thousand dollars, for the class, and I still owe them money for it. I still need a contract of saying that I want to do this as a career, but I just seem to be “slacking” off lately.

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