After You Left. | Teen Ink

After You Left.

January 16, 2008
By Anonymous

you said you'd be there but when you left to go to school i felt like you left me on my own to fend for my self.
your like my brother. i loved you like one. everyday i talk to you its like you dont care about me anymore. i have always cared about you and i always will. when i have a problem your the one i come to first and all you say is "that sux" i hate that and befor you left you acualy cared about what i said and thought about things. its like you became acompleatly defferent person then i grew up with. i need that person back. i want the person who cared and was always there for me when i needed him the most. eversence you left you were just rude to me. i hate that. as i get older i need you more and more. please can i get the guy that was there for me when i needed him back. please.

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