Living On Memories | Teen Ink

Living On Memories

April 9, 2008
By Anonymous

On Labor Day weekend of 2007, I expected it to be nothing but fun and full of laughs. Unfortunately, that's not what happened...
That weekend, at first, had some really good moments. I was invited to go to spend the weekend with my boyfriend's family at Lake Livingston. We went riding on the boat and jet skiis, ate some hotdogs, and just had a fun time relaxing and enjoying the sun. That Monday, when I arrived back at home, I expected to see my little three year old brother, Landon, come running out and give me a big hug! But the news I received was, "Cady, get in the car. We have to go to the hospital." I had no idea what was going on. I knew that my grandparents took Landon and my two cousins on vacation, but they were expected to be home. Suddenly, I figured out what was going on. There was a wreck...
The whole way up to the hospital, I kept praying to God for him to be safe, but when my mom and I walked in, my world came crashing down. Grandaddy was the only one that made it through. My brother, grandmother, and my two cousins died in a car wreck.
It's been seven months since the wreck. My world is slowly coming back together. Now I am thinking not so much on how he left or the life he will never get to live, but I am thinking about him sitting on the knee of Jesus. I picture him and my little cousin running down the golden roads of heaven and the beautiful colors and scenes that his eyes get to see.
When I die, I know that I will spend eternity with him. I miss him so much, but until I get to see him again, I will have to live off his memories. I have to remember the way his little bear hugs felt. I will have to remember his little laugh and the way he wrinkled up his nose, and I will have to remember the way Landon said, "I love you, Cady." because with that I know that I can make it through this tough world until I make it through the pearly gates of heaven.

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