The Moment of Truth | Teen Ink

The Moment of Truth

April 10, 2008
By Anonymous

This is the moment of truth, I am standing at the top of the hill. Can I make it down on my scooter in one piece? That is the big question. Noel did it there is no reason why I should not be able to do it. Right? I push off with my right foot, right away I know I am in trouble. The hill is steeper than I thought. The handle bars begin to wiggle uncontroablley and I hit a rock and I go flying like a bird of the scooter. I am sliding down the street on my lip, ripping a hole in it, and spraining my knee.

The next thing I know Noel’s neighbor is carrying me, over to Noel’s house four houses down. Noel’s mother immeadiately calls my Dad to come pick me up. Luckily she catches him before he leaves the house. He picks me up not knowing what to expect, way worse then he thought. He immeadiately takes me to the car and we go home, my Mom gets home from work and we are off to the emergency room.

The Doctor performs some test and the diagnosis is not good. Severe road rash in my mouth and, a severely sprained knee. He sends me home in a splint and with some medication. The next three days are filled with extreme pain and discomfort. The worst part is it is spring break I am stuck inside the house not even able to move without pain.

A week after the accident Noel and her Mother come to see how I am doing. They are stunned to see me in a splint and with road rash on my mouth. The rest of the week passes and I go back to school I am almost completely healed. I have to go back to the doctor the week after the accident to make sure everything has healed completely and correctly. Luckly it has. The weeks go on and I realize if I would not have fallen off when I did I would have hit the back of a parked car and would have injured more then my knee and mouth. It also taught me that if you have a gut feeling not to do something don’t do it.

In conclusion, that is what I learned from my personal experience and I hope some of the people that read this paper can learn something too.

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