Father | Teen Ink


April 10, 2008
By Anonymous

you are the shame I hide in my closet,you are the breath I refuse to take ,you are the day I don't want to wake up to, you are the friend I wanted to have, you are the joy that replaces my sad, you are my father
i never had.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 31 2011 at 5:27 am
KaonKiroko BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
2 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Your thoughts become your words.<br /> Your words become your actions.<br /> Your actions become your habit.<br /> Your habit becomes your character.<br /> Your character becomes your destiny.&quot;

This is a beautiful piece. Although it was really short, a tear actually excaped my eye when I read this. Keep up the good work =)