A Bloody Crash | Teen Ink

A Bloody Crash

May 28, 2008
By Anonymous

I laid there in the water looking up at my neighbors destroyed pier. I looked at my hands, they were covered in blood. I then gazed into the water at my burning knees; I could tell they had been cut up as well. Lastly I could feel a surging pain in my arm pit; I had sliced a portion of it wide open. I then climbed out of the water onto the flimsy pier which had once been solid as a rock.

It was the summer of eight grade year and we were all hanging out on the lake. We had been out tubing and wakeboarding all day. There were no parents to be seen. It was great! We later went up to the house and grilled some hotdogs and cheeseburgers. They were delicious. After we ate, all of us went back out in the boat for a while and stopped by the sunken island. There was nothing better than hanging out on the lake with your friends all day. After awhile of swimming we all headed back into the house.

My friend had been riding her side-by-side wave runner all day. I had never been on a side-by-side before, it looked fun. Right before the sun went down I decided to ask her if I could take it for a spin. She said sure, and I went for a ride. As I was zooming around the lake, I decided I wanted to stop by my house and see if anybody was down at the lake; and then it happened.

As I was heading towards my house I cut in sharp to spray my neighbor’s pier with the wave runner. Bam! I had crashed into the corner of their pier going about 30 mph. I was flung off the wave runner, hit the pier, and flung into the water. As I lay in the water in excruciating pain I looked up at the smoking wave runner, the pier, and the several broken pieces floating in the water. I was in trouble! I then attempted to pick up the broken pieces of pier and throw them into the woods as though nothing happened. My knees and elbows were dripping with blood. I then was miraculously able to start the wave runner and drive back to my friend’s house. As I was driving there, I could feel my self sinking into the water. We finally got there and took a closer look at the wave runner only to realize I had put an enormous crack down the middle of it. It was time to call my parents.

After about an hour of trying to think of what to say, I found the courage to call my parents and tell them the terrible news. They were in shock! When I got home they made me go to the neighbor’s house and explain what had happened. I then had to show and explain to them why I had thrown their broken pier into the woods. We later got everything settled, and life went on.

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