Dome Day 2007 | Teen Ink

Dome Day 2007

May 27, 2008
By Anonymous

"Set!" "Attention!" "Watch the drum majors!"

Welcome to field band. This is all we hear from the middle of July until the end of October. Hours upon hours of practice. Listening to instructors say the same things hundreds of times. Enduring six grueling days of band camp in 97 degree weather. Sweating so much it's hard to believe you still have any body fluid. Field band isn't just an activity anymore. It is a lifestyle.

The last weekend of October comes faster than ever this year. We are practicing as hard as we can. After a so far undefeated season, the expectations for championships are high. Usually, achieving first place at the state championships is merely a dream. This year, however, we know we can do it. Our instructors know we can do it. We have the potential to win.

The bus ride to the dome is full of nervous anticipation. We arrive, warm up, and march onto the field. No one can stop us now. Excellence, confidence, and pride. The show is amazing. We can tell by the looks on our instructors' faces how proud of us they are. We couldn't be more proud of ourselves.

Time for retreat. We wait for the placements of our class to be announced. It is pure torture. After what feels like years, it is down to the last two schools. Central Square (us), and Lancaster. Did we do it? Our hearts are racing. Lancaster is announced for second place. Contral Square Redhawk Regiment, you are the champions!

This is truly the best feeling in the entire world.

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This article has 1 comment.

Grete said...
on Aug. 15 2008 at 11:00 pm
In the second to last line I made a's supposed to say "Central Square", not "Contral Square". =]