Where's That Dog? | Teen Ink

Where's That Dog?

June 25, 2008
By Anonymous

It was a hot summer day. Shana, Tajahne, and I where sitting in the house bored; so we decided to go walking. On our way out the door we told Tajahne’s grandma we would be back.

As we where walking down the street we saw a big black dog sprinting our way. All of a sudden we took off running in circles in someone’s yard.

The dog chased me and Tajahne, but it didn’t chase Shana. She was standing in the middle of the road very still. She yelled to us to, “STOP RUNNING!!!!!!!”

I stopped running and covered my face with my hands. Little did I know that Tajahne didn’t listen. She was still running. Then I peered from behind my hands and saw that Tajahne was standing still and the dog was nowhere to be found.

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